Oracle iExpense | How To Enter Internet Expense Reports

By Jag - September 18, 2014
Oracle iExpense How To Enter Internet Expense Reports For Other Persons
This feature is called “Authorized Delegate”. To have the ability to enter expense reports, withdraw expense reports, etc. for other individuals, do the following:
 Authorization Preferences (Self-Service Delegate Assignment)Users can now maintain their own list of authorized delegates in the Expenses Preferences page. An authorized delegate is someone who has the authority to enter expense reports on another user’s behalf. This feature existed in previous versions of Internet Expenses as a system administrator task only. The ability for system administrators to define authorized delegates still exists.
 Choose Responsibility:Internet ExpensesNavigate to the Expenses PreferencesChoose the Authorization Preferences Link

Expenses Entry Delegations:The people in this list can enter expense reports for you. They can also view all of your previously submitted expense reports. Expenses Entry Delegations can be granted by you to another person
Expenses Entry Permissions
You can enter expense reports for the people in this list. You can also view all of their previously submitted expense. Expenses Entry Permissions must be granted to you by the other person (You cannot grant your own Expense Entry Permissions).
Prior to this functionality, Authorized delegate permissions were granted as follows. This functionality still exists.
Choose Responsibilty: System Administrator
Navigate: Security – User – DefineQuery up the user who is going to be be an authorized delegate.
Go to the Securing Attribute region
Add a row
Securing Attribute: ICX_HR_PERSON_IDApplication: Self-Service Web ApplicationsValue: Choose the employee name from the list of values for the employee for which this user needs to be able to enter expense reports form. Bounce Apache Server and Clear Server Cache if Authorized Delegates are updated using this method.

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