Oracle Functional and Technical | Interview Questions and Answers

By Jag - August 03, 2014
Oracle Functional and Technical | Interview Questions and Answers
1. What is the Diff between APPS Schema and other Schemas?

Apps schema contains only Synonyms we can't create tables in apps schema,where as other schema s contains tables, & all the objects. Here only we will create the tables and giving grants on created tables. Almost all every time we  will connect to apps schema only.


2. What is meant by Custom Top and what is the Purpose?

Custom Top is nothing but Customer Top, which is created for customer only. we can have multiple custom

tops based on client requirement. It is used to store developed & customized components. whenever oracle

corp applying patches it will over ride on all the modules except custom top. that's why we will use custom top.


3. What is the Significancy of US Folder?

It is nothing but language specification by default it is in american language. We can have multiple languages folders  based on installed languages. from backend we can get it from





              select language_code,nls_language from fnd_languages where installed_flag like 'B'

4. Where did U find the Applcation short name and basepath names?

select basepath,application_short_name from fnd_application from the backend. From the from end we can get it Navigation Application Developer.-----> Application---->Register The application name we will get from FND_APPLICATION_TL


5. Where can U find the release version from backend?

SELECT release_name from FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS; ---             .


 What are the Folders we will find below the 11.5.0 Folder?

Reports,forms,sql,lib,log,out,bin,admin,html,xml,msg,def, etc             


 Can we create Tables in the Apps Schema?



 Can we have custom schema when it it required?

yes, we can have custom schema, when we want to create a new table we required custom schema.              


 What is meant by concurrent Program?

It is nothing but Instance of the execution along with parameters & Incompatables. Here Incompatables nothing but if we  are submiting cc programs if any one can be execute in those program , which programs r not imp yet this time we will  mention those programs in incompatables tab.              


What are the steps we will follow to register Reports as Concurrent Program?

 First develop the report & save it in local machine. upload into custom_top/11.5.0/reports/us/ go to system  administrator  open executable form create executable by mentioning executable method as reports ,executable  as report name which  was created. go to cc program form create ccprogram by attach executable name in executable section. then attach this  ccprogram to request group, Request group to Responsibility.Responsibility to User.                   


 What is meant by Request group?

It is nothing but collection of cc programs.         



 What is Application Top? What are the types and Purpose?

      A) When we connect to the server we will find the top called application top. Under application top we have

 Product top.

 Custom top

      Product top is the default top built by the manufacturer. Custom top is used to select the Client for his business purposes. Customizations are done with the Custom top.


 What is US folder in the Custom Top?

             It is a language specific folder used to store the G.U.I like reports and forms.


 What are mandatory parameters of Procedures and what the use of those?

 Errorbuf: It is used to returns the error messages and sent it to the log file.

 Retcode: It is used to show the status of the Procedure with 0, 1, and 2 0 for Completed Normal

      1 for Completed Warning

2 for Completed Error


 What is Apps Schema and Schema?

 Schema: Schema is the location in database contains database objects like views, tables, and synonyms.

      Apps Schema: It is used to connect the all schemas to get the information from The database.


 What is Token?

            a) Use to transfer values to report builder and it is not case sensitive.


 Difference between FORM, Function and Menu?

     a) A menu is a hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus. Each responsibility has a menu assigned to it. A function is a part of an application that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to be including it from a menu.


Tell me something about SQL-LOADER.


Sql * loader is a bulk loader utility used for moving data from external files into the oracle database.

Sql* loader supports various load formats, selective loading, and multi-tables loads.

1) Conventional --The conventional path loader essentially loads the data by using standard ‘insert’ statement.

2) Direct -- The direct path loader (direct = true) by possess of logic involved with that, and loads directly in to the oracle data files.

EX:- My data.csv file

1001, “scott tiger”,1000,40


Load data

Infile ‘c:\data\mydata.csv’

insert Into table emp Fields terminated by “,” optionally enclosed by‘”’

(empno, empname,sal,deptno)

>sqlldr scott/tiger@vis control=loader.ctl log= gvlog.log bad=gvbad.bad discard=gvdis.dsc .


 What is SET-OF-BOOKS?


     Collection of Chart of Accounts and Currency and Calendars is called SOB


 Tell me what r the Base tables in the AR?



hz_parties (party_id) (store info about org, groups and people)

HZ_PARTIES stores information about parties such as organizations,

people, and groups, including the identifying address information for the party.

hz_cust_accounts (cust_account_id)

HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS stores information about customer relationships. If a

party becomes a customer, information about the customer account is stored in this table. You can establish multiplecustomer relationships with a single party, so each party can have multiple customer account records in this table.

hz_cust_acct_sites_all (cust_acct_site_id)

HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL stores information about customer sites. One

customer account can have multiple sites. The address is maintained in HZ_LOCATIONS.

hz_cust_site_uses_all (site_use_id)

HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL stores information about site uses or business

purposes. A single customer site can have multiple site uses, such as bill to or ship to, and each site use is stored as a record in this table.

hz_party_sites (party_site_id)

HZ_PARTY_SITES stores information about the relationship between Parties

and Locations. The same party can have multiple party sites. Physical addresses are stored in HZ_LOCATIONS.

hz_locations (location_id)

HZ_LOCATIONS stores information about physical locations.

hz_Person_Profiles (person_profile_id)

HZ_PERSON_PROFILES stores detail information about people.

hz_Organization_Profiles (organization_profile_id)

HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES stores credit rating, financial statistics,

socioeconomic and corporate linkage information for business sites. The primary key for this table is ORGANIZATION_PROFILE_ID.





FND SRWINIT sets your profile option values, multiple organizations and allows

Oracle Application Object Library user exits to detect that they have been called by an Oracle Reports program.

FND SRWEXIT ensures that all the memory allocated for AOL user exits have been freed up properly.

FND FLEXIDVAL are used to display flex field information like prompt, value etc

FND FLEXSQL these user exits allow you to use flex fields in your reports

FND FORMAT_CURRENCY is used to print currency in various formats by using formula column


 What is Value Set?



The value set is a collection (or) container of values.

Whenever the value set associated with any report parameters. It provides list of values to the end user to accept one of the values as report parameter value.

If the list of values needed to be dynamic and ever changing and define a table

based values set.

12)What are the validation types?

1) None -------- validation is minimal.

2) Independent ------input must exist on previously defined list of values

3) Dependent ------input is checked against a subset of values based on a

Prior value.

3) Table ----- input is checked against values in an application table

4) Special ------values set uses a flex field itself.

5) Pair ------ two flex fields together specify a range of valid values.

6) Translatable independent ----- input must exist on previously defined list

of values; translated values can be used.

7) Translatable dependent ------- input is checked against a subset of values

based on a prior values; translated value can be used.


 Form development process?


a) Open template form

b) Save as <your form>.fmb

c) Change the form module name as form name.

d) Delete the default blocks, window, and canvas

e) Create a window.

f) Assign the window property class to window

g) Create a canvas (subclass info)

h) Assign canvas property class to the canvas

I) assign the window to the canvas and canvas to the window

j) Create a data block

k) Modify the form level properties. (sub class item Text item)

l) Modify the app_custom package. In the program unit.

m) Modify the pre-form trigger (form level)

n) Modify the module level properties ((console window, First navigation

p) Save and compile the form.

Place the .fmx in the server directory.


 How does u customize the Reports?


a. Identify the Short name of the standard report in which module we have

to customize

Ex: - if u wants to customize in the AR module path is

Appl top\ar\11.5.0\reports\US\ .rdf

b. Open the .rdf file in Report builder and change the name of the module.

c. Open the data module and modify the query (what is client requirements)

assign the columns to the attributes.

d. Go to report wizard and select, what r the newly created columns.

e. Then Compile it. Then u will get a .rep file in the specified module. If it is

not in the specified directory then we have to put in the server directory.

f. Then Register in the AOL Concurrent Executable and

Concurrent Program.

g. Go to system administrator Security àResponsibility àrequest.

h. Add and assign a concurrent program to a request group




     Used to capture the additional business information.



 Additional    Unique Info, Mandatory

 Captured in attribute prefixed columns    Segment prefixed

 Not reported on standard reports    Is reported on standard reports

 To provide expansion space on your form With  the  help of [].

 [] Represents descriptive Flex field.

 FLEX FILED : DESCRIPTIVE : REGISTER    Used for entering and displaying key information

For example Oracle General uses a key Flex field called Accounting Flex field to uniquely identify a general account.



 Difference between Bind and Lexical parameters?


are used to replace a single value in sql, pl/sql

bind variable may be used to replace expressions in select, where, group, order

by, having, connect by, start with cause of queries.

bind reference may not be referenced in FROM clause (or) in place of

reserved words or clauses.


You can use lexical reference to replace the clauses appearing AFTER select,

from, group by, having, connect by, start with.

You can’t make lexical reference in pl/sql statements.


 what is Flex mode and Confine mode?


     Confine mode:

On: child objects cannot be moved outside their enclosing parent objects.

Off: child objects can be moved outside their enclosing parent objects.

Flex mode:

On: parent borders "stretch" when child objects are moved against them.

Off: parent borders remain fixed when child objects are moved against



 What is Place holder Columns?


     A placeholder is a column is an empty container at design time. The placeholder can hold a value at run time has been calculated and placed in to It by pl/sql code from anther object.

You can set the value of a placeholder column is in a Before Report trigger.

Store a Temporary value for future reference. EX. Store the current max salary as records are retrieved.


 What is Formula Column?


     A formula column performs a user-defined computation on another column(s) data, including placeholder columns.


 What is Summary columns?


     A summary column performs a computation on another column's data. Using the Report Wizard or Data Wizard, you can create the following summaries: sum, average, count, minimum, maximum, % total. You can also create a summary column manually in the Data Model view, and use the Property Palette to create the following additional

summaries: first, last, standard deviation, variance.


 What is TCA (Trading Community Architecture)?


     Ans. Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the parties, or customers, who belong to your commercial community, including organizations, locations, and the network of hierarchical relationships among them. This information is maintained in the TCA Registry, which is the single source of trading community information for Oracle E-Business Suite applications.


 Difference between Application Developer and System Administrator?



Role of Technical Consultant:

a. Designing New Forms, Programs and Reports

b. Forms and Reports customization

c. Developing Interfaces

d. Developing PL/SQL stored procedures

e. Workflow automations

Role of System Administrator:

a. Define Logon Users

b. Define New/Custom Responsibility

c. Define Data Groups

d. Define Concurrent Managers

e. Define Printers

f. Test Network Preferences

g. Define/Add new Modules

Role of an Apps DBA:

a. Installing of Application

b. up gradation

c. Migration

d. Patches

e. Routing maintenance of QA

f. Cloning of OA


 What are Flex fields?



Ans. A Flex field is a customizable field that opens in a window from a regular Oracle Applications window. Defining flex fields enables you to tailor Oracle Applications to your own business needs. By using flex fields, you can:

(a) Structure certain identifiers required by oracle applications according to your own business environment.

(b) Collect and display additional information for your business as needed.

Key Flex fields: You use key flex fields to define your own structure for many of the identifiers required by Oracle Applications. Profile – ‘Flexfields:Open Key Window’ (FND_ID_FLEXS)

Descriptive Flex field: You use descriptive flex fields to gather additional information about your business entities beyond the information required by Oracle Applications. Profile – Flex fields: Open Descr Window’ (FND_DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXS)


 Report registration process?



1. Create the report using the report builder.

2. Place the report definition file in the module specific reports directory.

3. Create an executable for the report definition file.

4. Create a concurrent program to that executable.

5. Associate the concurrent program to a request group.


 Define Request Group?



A request security group is the collection of requests, request sets, and concurrent programs that a user, operating under a given responsibility, can select from the Submit Requests window.


 Value Sets?



Oracle Application Object Library uses values, value sets and validation tables as important components of key flex fields, descriptive flex fields, Flex Builder, and Standard Request Submission.

When you first define your flex fields, you choose how many segments you want to use and what order you want them to appear. You also choose how you want to validate each of your segments. The decisions you make affect how you define your value sets and your values.

You define your value sets first, either before or while you define your flex field

segment structures. You typically define your individual values only after your flex field has been completely defined (and frozen and compiled). Depending on what type of value set you use, you may not need to predefine individual values at all before you can use your flex field.

You can share value sets among segments in different flex fields, segments in

different structures of the same flex field, and even segments within the same flex field structure. You can share value sets across key and descriptive flex fields. You can also use value sets for report parameters for your reports that use the Standard Report Submission feature.

Navigation Path:

Login – Application Developer -> Application -> Validation -> Set


 Value Validation Types?



1. Dependant

2. Independent

3. None

4. Pair

5. Special

6. Table

7. Translate Independent

8. Translate Dependent


 Incompatibility in report registration and Run Alone?



Identify programs that should not run simultaneously with your concurrent program because they might interfere with its execution.

You can specify your program as being incompatible with itself.

Application: Although the default for this field is the application of your concurrent program, you can enter any valid application name.

Name: The program name and application you specify must uniquely identify a

concurrent program. Your list displays the user-friendly name of the program, the short name, and the description of the program.

Scope: Enter Set or Program Only to specify whether your concurrent program is zincompatible with this program and all its child requests (Set)

or only with this program (Program Only).

Run Alone: Indicate whether your program should run alone relative to all other programs in the same logical database. If the execution of your program

interferes with the execution of all other programs in the same logical database (in other words, if your program is incompatible with all programs in its

logical database, including itself), it should run alone.


     Oracle interview questions



 What are the various types of Exceptions ?

 User defined and Predefined Exceptions.


 Can we define exceptions twice in same block ?




What is the difference between a procedure and a function ?

Functions return a single variable by value where as procedures do not return any variable by  value. Rather they return  multiple variables by passing variables by reference through their OUT parameter.



 Can you have two functions with the same name in a PL/SQL block ?




 Can you have two stored functions with the same name ?




 Can you call a stored function in the constraint of a table ?




 What are the various types of parameter modes in a procedure ?




 What is Over Loading and what are its restrictions ?

OverLoading means an object performing different functions depending upon the no. of parameters or the data type of  the parameters passed to it.



 Can functions be overloaded ?



 Can 2 functions have same name & input parameters but differ only by return datatype



What is Ref Cursor in Oracle ?

 By using Ref cursor we can change the select statement

dynamically at runtime which is available in the cursor

definition based on some validation.For this we need to

define ref cursor type by using following syntax.

type <type_name> is ref cursor return <return_type>;

here <type_name> is the name of the ref cursor and

<return_type> will be the return type of ref cursor it may

be %type/%rowtype/record type/plsql table type/nested table

type/varray type.

if <return_type> is mentioned we will called it as strong

ref cursor.

if <return_type> is not mentioned we will called it as weak

ref cursor.

after this we need to define ref cursor variable by using

the following syntax.

v_variable_name ref_cursor_type_name;

then based on validations we can change the ref cursor


for example



type ref_cur is ref cursor;

v_ref_cur ref_cur;

v_deptno emp.deptno%type;


select deptno into v_deptno from emp where empno=7788;

if v_deptno=20 then

open v_ref_cur for select * from emp;

elsif v_deptno=30 then

open v_ref_cur for select * from dept;


open v_ref_cur for select * from salgrade;

end if;


What Is a Collection?

A collection is an ordered group of elements, all of the same type. It is a general concept that encompasses lists, arrays,

and other familiar datatypes. Each element has a unique subscript that determines its position in the collection.

PL/SQL offers these collection types:

Index-by tables, also known as associative arrays, let you look up elements using arbitrary numbers and strings for subscript values.

(They are similar to hash tables in other programming languages.)

 Nested tables hold an arbitrary number of elements. They use sequential numbers as subscripts. You can define equivalent SQL types,

 allowing nested tables to be stored in database tables and manipulated through SQL.

Varrays (short for variable-size arrays) hold a fixed number of elements (although you can change the number of elements at runtime).

They use sequential numbers as subscripts. You can define equivalent SQL types, allowing varrays to be stored in database tables.

They can be stored and retrieved through SQL, but with less flexibility than nested tables.


Invoice Inbound Interface

Interface Tables:




Base Tables:




Concurrent Program:

Payables Open Interface Import

Supplier Inbound Interface

Interface tables:




AP_SUPPLIER_INT_REJECTIONS (Error table for Supplier, Site and Contact inbound based on parent_table column)

Base Tables:




Concurrent programs:

Supplier Open Interface Import

Supplier Sites Open Interface Import

Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import

Request Set:

Supplier Open Interface Request Set (Contain all 3 above mentioned concurrent programs)

Item Inbound Interface

Interface Tables:





Base Tables:





Concurrent program:

Import Items

Receipt Inbound Interface

Interface Tables:




Base Tables:




Concurrent Program:

Receiving Transaction Processor

Purchase Order Inbound Interface

Interface Tables:





PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS where interface_type = ‘PO_DOCS_OPEN_INTERFACE’ (Error Table)

Base Tables:





Concurrent Program:

Import Standard Purchase Orders (To import Standard Purchase Orders)

Import Price Catalogs(To import Catalog Quotations, Standard Quotations, and Blanket Purchase Agreements)

Requisition Inbound Interface

Interface Tables:



PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS where interface_type =’REQIMPORT’ (Error Table)

Base Tables:




Concurrent Program:

Requisition Import

Interview for general .......

1) What is SET-OF-BOOKS OR Ledgers?

Collection of Chat of Accounts and Currency and Calendars, Convention is called SOB

2) How can u call a standard interface program from sql or pl/sql code





4) PL/SQL stored procedure parameters or what are the two parameters that are mandatory for pl/sql type concurrent program

Procedure/function (ERRBUF OUT RETCODE OUT ………………….)

ERRBUF :- Used to write the error message to log or request file.

RETCODE :- Populate log request file with program submission details info.

5) What is Value Set

--The value set is a collection (or) container of values.

--When ever the value set associated with any report parameters. It provides list of values to the end user to accept one of the values as report parameter value.

-- If the list of values needed to be dynamic and ever changing and define a table based values set.

6) What r the validation types

1) None -------- validation is minimal.

2) Independent ------input must exist on previously defined list of values

3) Dependent ------input is checked against a subset of values based on a prior value.

3) Table ----- input is checked against values in an application table

4) Special ------values set uses a flex field itself.

5) Pair ------ two flex fields together specify a range of valid values.

6) Translatable independent ----- input must exist on previously defined list

of values;

translated values can be used.

7) Translatable dependent ------- input is checked against a subset of values

based on a prior values; translated value can be used.

7) What is template

a) The TEMPLATE form is the required starting point for all development of new Forms.

b) The TEMPLATE form includes platform–independent attachments of several Libraries.

APPSCORE :- It contains package and procedures that are required of all forms to support the MENUS ,TOOLBARS.

APPSDAYPK :- It contains packages that control the oracle applications CALENDER FEATURES.


CUSTOM :- it allows extension of oracle applications forms with out modification of oracle application code, you can use the custom library for customization such as zoom ( such as moving to another form and querying up specific records)

8) What are ad-hoc reports

Ans.: Ad-hoc Report is made to meet one-time reporting needs. Concerned with or formed for a

particular purpose. For example, ad hoc tax codes or an ad hoc database query

9) What is responsibility

Is collection of menus, request security groups and data groups

Menus: collection of forms is nothing but menus

Request security groups: collection of programs.

Data groups: is a group of modules to be made accessible by the user through Responsibility

System admin

10) What are different execution methods of executabls

FlexRpt The execution file is wrnitten using the FlexReport API.

FlexSql The execution file is written using the FlexSql API.

Host The execution file is a host script.

Oracle Reports The execution file is an Oracle Reports file.

PL/SQL Stored Procedure The execution file is a stored procedure.

SQL Loader The execution file is a SQL script.

SQL Plus The execution file is a SQL Plus script.

SQL Report The execution file is a SQL Report script.

Spawned The execution file is a C or Pro C program.

Immediate The execution file is a program written to run as a subroutine of the concurrent manager. We recommend against defining new immediate concurrent programs, and suggest you use either a PL/SQL Stored Procedure or a Spawned C Program instead.

Composite Data types :


What is the sequence of functions – group by, having , order by in a select statements  

Select…..Group by…Having…Order by..

Difference between User and Super User

User : login user or front end user

Super user : it has full access of particular module

11) Oracle E-Business suite

Oracle apps + analytical components software.

(Oracle discover) (Oracle sales analyzer) (Oracle financial analyzer) (Oracle marketing analyzer)

12) What is multi org

Legal entity has more than one operating unit is called as multi org

a) Business group --- Human resources information is secured by Business group

b) Legal entity. --- inter-company and fiscal/tax reporting.

operating unit.

c) Operating unit --- secures AR, OE, AP, PA and PO Information.

d) Organizations --- is a specialize unit of work at particular locations

13) What is ERP and Architecture of apps

A packaged business software system that lets a company automate and integrate the majority of its business processes; share common data and practices across the enterprise; [and] produce and access information in a real-time environment.

 14)How many types of Execution Methods

Java Stored Pricedure
Oracle reprots
PL/SQL Stored Procedures
Java concurrent Program
SQL * Loader
Sql * plus
perl concurrent program
request set stage function

15 Data Link

- Data links relate the results of multiple queries.

- A data link (Parent - Child Relation Ship) causes the child query to be executed once for each instance of its parent group.

16 In which tables FF are stored



17)Oracle Applications Architecture

- Internet computing Architecture is a frame work for 3-tired, distributed computing that supports Oracle Applications products.

- The Three tiers are

1 Data Base Tier

2 Application Tier

3 Desk Top Tier

- Database tier manages Oracle 8i database.

- Application tier manages Oracle Applications and other tools.

- Desktop tier provides the user interface displace.

- With internet computing architecture, only the presentation layer of Oracle Applications is on the Desk Top tier in the form of a plug-in to standard internet brows

18) List of some API’S








19)How to get second parameter value based on first parameter

$FLEX$ value set name.

20)How to call WHO columns into the form



Provides information about the form.

Should be called form when_new_form - instance - instance trigger.

2. FND_standard.set_who

loads WHO columns with proper user information.

Should be called from PRE_UPDTE and PRE_INSERT

Triggers for each block with WHO fields

If this is used FND-GLOBAL need not be called. (FND_GLOBAL.WHO)


This is a function which returns date.

Behave exactly like SYSDATE built-in.


This is a function which returns varchar2

Behaves exactly like built in USER.






















23)How to call flex fields in the form

By using FND_FLEX.EVENT (EVENT varchar 2)

How to register an executable and define a concurrent program through backend

By using concurrent processing API’S





































- is used to define a concurent program executable

- it takes 8 parameters ( all are IN mode )


(executable IN varchar2,

(Full name)

description IN varchar2 default null

execution_method IN varchar2,

execution_file_name IN varchar2 default null,

icon_name IN varchar2 default null,

language_code IN varchar2 default (VS)


- this procedure no used to define a concument program.

- It has 30 IN paranmeters. Out of which 9 are mandatory, the remaining are default.

(program IN varchar2,

application IN varchar2,

enabled IN varchar2,

short_name IN varchar2,

description IN varchar2, default null, 10

executable_application IN varchar2,

mls_function_shelt_name IN varchar2,

mls_function_application IN varchar2,

inerementor IN varhcar2);

24. How to register a table and columns through back end

  by using AD_DD package

- for registering a table


- AD_DD BPI doesn‟t check for the existence of the registered table or column in the data base schema, but only updates the required SQL tables.

- It should be ensured that, all the tables and columns registered exist actually and have the same format as that defined using AD_DD API.

- Views need not be registered.

25. How to write to a file through concurrent program.

  By using FND_FILE package and it can be used only for log and output files.


- this is used to write text to a file with out a new line character

- Multilane calls to FND_FILE.PUT will produce consummated text.

Procedure FND_FILE.PUT (which IN Number, Buff IN varchar2);



- this procedure as used to write a line of text to a file followed by a new line character.

Procedure FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (which IN number, buff IN varchar2);

EX:- FND_FILE.PUT_LINE( FND_FILE.LOG, find_message_get);


- this procedure is used to write line terminators to a file

procedure FND_FILE.NEW_LINE (which IN number LINES IN NATURAL:=1);

Ex:- to write two newline characters to a log file

Fnd_file.new_line (fnd_file.log,2);


- this procedure as used to set the temporary log file and output filenames and the temporary directory to the user specified values.

- This should be called before calling my other FND_FILE procedure and only once per a session.


( application in varchar2 default null,

program in varchar2 default null,

description in varchar2 default null,

start-time in varchar2 default null,

sub_request in bookan default False,



argument 100) return number;

  If this is submitted from oracle forms, all the arguments ( 1 to 100 ) must be specified. 12

27. How to submit concurrent programs through OS

- From the operating system the utility .CONCSUB is used to submit is concurrent propgram.

- This is basically used to test a concurrent program .

- By using the WAIT token. The utility checks the request status every 60 seconds and returns the OS prompt upon completion of the request.

- Concurrent manager doesnot abort, shutdown or start up until the concurrent request completes.

  If the concurrent program is compatible with it self, it can be checked for data integrity and dead locks by submitting it many times so that it runs concurrently with it self.

 PL/SQL procedures can submit a request to run a program as a concurrent process by calling.


  Before submitting a request, the following functions also should be called optionally.





28. How to checks the request states

- A PL/SQL procedure can check the status of a concurrent request by calling.




- This function returns the status of a concurrent request

- If the request is already computed, it also returns the completion message.

- This function returns both user friendly (translatable) phase and status values as well as developer phase and status vales that can drive program logic. 13

( request_id in out number,

application in varchar2 default null,

program in varchar2 default null,

phase out varchar2,

status out varchar,

dev_phase out varchar2,

dev_status out varchar2,

message out varchar2) return BOOLEAN;

- when application and program are specified, the request_id of the last request for the specified program should be returned to request_id.

- Phase, and status values should be taken from


dev_phase dev_status

pending normal, standby, scheduled, paused

running normal, waiting, resuming, terminating.

Complete normal, Error, warning, cancelled, terminated

Inactive disabled, on-hold, No-manager, supended


- This function waits for request completion, then returns the request phase/status and completion message to the caller.

- Goes to sleep between checks for request completion.


( request_id in number default null,

interval in number default 60,

max_wait in numbe default 0, 14

phase out varchar2,

status out varchar2,

dev_phase out varchar2,

dev_status out varchar2,

message out varchar2) return BOOLEN;


- this function should be called from a concurrent program to set its completion states.

- This function returns TRUE on success, other wise FALSE.


( status in varchar2,

message in varchar2) return BOOLEAN;


status warning


29. What is the reason for not getting any data when a multi org view is quired

- to get the data correctly, the xxx-ALL must be referenced and the ORG_ID value should be specified to extract portioned data.

- Multiorg views are partitioned by using ORG_ID.

- So access through multiorg views will not return any roes, as the CLIENT_INFO Value is not set

- Use HR_OPERATING UNITS to identify the organization _id of the OU on which query is based.

- Use FND_CLIENT_INFO package to set the value in CLIENT INPO using set_org_contest.

- Execute fnd_client_info. Set_org_context („<org_id>‟);

- Now qurying of multiorg views can be done. 15

30. How do you find that muliorg is installed

- multi organization architecture is meant to allow muliple companies or subsidiaries to store their records with in a single data base.

- Multiple organization Architecture allows this by partitioning data through views in APPS schema.

- Implementation of Multi org generally includes more than one business group.

  To know whether multiorg is existing or not

select multi_org_flag

form fnd_product_groups)

- if the result is „Y‟ means the database is group for multiorg

31. what are Handlers

  Handler is a group of packaged procedures which is used by Oracle Applications to organize . PL/SQL code in forms.

- Handlers provide a way to centralize the code so that it becomes easier to develop, maintain and debug.

- The packaged procedures available in a handler are called form the triggers by passing the name of the trigger as an argument for the procedure to process.

  Handlers are types :- 1) Item Handlers

2) Event Handlers

3) Table Handlers

4) Business Rules

- Handlers reside in program units in the form or in stored packed in the database.

32)Adding Table handler Logic

Coding logic for window and alternative region control.

Adding fin-windows and/or ROW-LOV‟S and enable query-find.

Coding logic for item relations such as dependent fields.

Coding messages to use message dictionary. 16

Adding FF logic if required.

Adding choices to the special mence and logic to modify choices the default menu and tool bar behavior is necessary.

Coding any other logic.

Creating a form function for the developed form and registering any sub functions.

Testing the form by it self.

Registering the form with AOL.

Adding the form function to a menu or creating custom mence.

Assigning the menu to the responsibility and assigning the responsibility to the user.

Testing the form within Oracle Applications.

33.what is the differnce between org_id and organization_id

org_id column tables are operating_unit tables,Organization_id tables are inventory Related tables.

34. What is a Data Group

- A data group is a group of oracle applications and the Oracle ID‟s of each application

- Oracle ID grants access privileges to tables in an Oracle Database

- Data group determines which Oracle Data base accounts a responsibilities forms, concurrent programs and reports connect to.

35. What is a Responsibility

- Responsibility defines Applications Privileges

- A responsibility is a level of authority in Oracle Applications that lets users only those Oracle Applications functions and data appropriate to their roles in an organization.

- Each user has at list one or more responsibilities and several users can share the same responsibility 22

  Each responsibility allows access to

- a specific application or a set of applications.

- A set of books

- A restricted list of windows that an user can navigate

- Reports in a specific application.

36. What are security Attributes

- Security Attributes are used by Oracle self service web Applications to allow rows of data to be visible to specified users responsibilities based on the specific data contained in the row.

37. What is a Profile Option

- profile options are the set of changeable options that affects how the application looks and behaves.

- By setting profile options, the applications can be made to react in different ways for different users depending on the specific user attributes.

38. What are steps involved in developing a flex field

- designing the table structure

- creating fields on the form (Visible/Hidden)

- calling appropriate routines

- registration of the flex field.

- Definition of the flex field.

<Flex fields / key/ Register>

<Flex fields/Descriptions / Register>

39. What is an application /Module

- Application is a collection of forms, function and menus

40)FND_PROGRAM Package


Procedure FND_PROGRAM. Executable IS 23

(executable in Varchar2,

application in varchar2, (full name)

short_name in varchar2, (executable short name)

description in varchar2 default NULL,

execution_method in varchar2,

execution_file_name in varchar2 default null,

Subrowline_name in varchar2 default null, (only for spawned immediate)

Icon_name in varchar2 default null,

Language_code in varchar2 default „US‟,

Execution_file_path in varchar2 default null);

For Java Concurrent Program.


Procedure FND_PROGRAM.Register IS

(Program in varchar2,

application in varchar2,

enabled in varchar2,

short_name in varchar2,

description in varchar2, default null,

executable_short_name in varchar2,

executable_application in varchar2,

execution_options in varchar2, default null,

priority in number default null,

save_output in varchar2 default „Y‟, 24

print in varchar2 dafault „Y‟,

cols in varchar2 default null,

rows in varchar2, default null,

style in varchar2, default null,

style_required in varchar2, default „N‟,

printer in varchar2, default null,

Requets_Type in varchar2, default null,

Request_type_Application in varchar2 default null,

Use_in_Srs in varchar2, default „N‟,

Allow_disabled_valuer in varchar2 default „N‟,

Run_alone in varchar2 default „N‟,

Output_type in varchar2 default „TEXT‟,

Enable_trace in varchar2 default „N‟,

Restart in varchar2 default „Y‟,

nls_complaint in varchar2 default „Y‟,

icon_name in varchar2 default null,

language_code in varchar2, default „US‟,

mls_function_short_name in varchar2 default null,

mls_function_application in varchar2 default null,

incrementor in varchar2 default null);

41) How to submit concurrent program through pl/sql

fnd_request.submit_request(parameters) by using this we can submit the concurrent program thru pl/sql.

FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE (user_id,resp_id, resp_appl_id)

42) What are the types of Concurrent Managers 


1. Internal Conccurent Manager (ICM): This is the one which monitors all other CMs

2. Standard Manager (SM) : This takes care of report running and batch jobs

3. Conflict Resolution Manager (CRM): checks concurrent program definitions for incompatability checks.

We cannot delete a concurrent manager... but we can disable it... but it's not recommended.

43) multi org set up in pl/sql block

Begin dbms_application_info.set_client_info('ORG_ID');


44. What is the relation between Responsibility, Menu and Request Group

Responsibility: - A responsibility is a set of authority in Oracle Apps that lets users access only that functionality of the application appropriate to their roles.

Menu: - A menu is a hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus of functions that appears in the Navigator. Each responsibility has a menu assigned to it.

Request Group: - it is a collection of reports or concurrent programs. A system Administrator defines report groups in order to control user access to reports and concurrent programs. Only a system administrator can create a request group.

45. What is a function, how to create one

A function is apart of an application‟s functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning to it to, or excluding it from, a menu (and by extension, responsibility). There are several types of functions: - Form Functions, SubFunctions, and

Non-form functions. We often refer to a form function simply as a form.

46. What is meant by APPL_TOP

Environment variable

An operating System variable that describes an aspect of the environment in which your application runs. For example, you can define an environment variable to specify a directory path. 26

$APPL_TOP: An environment variable that denotes the installation directory for Oracle Application Object Library and your other Oracle applications. $APPL_TOP is usually one directory level above each of the product directories (which are often referred to as $PROD_TOP or $PRODUCT_TOP or $<prod>_TOP).

47. Explain briefly where are the Custom.pll, Forms, Reports, Sql Loader Control files, Shell Script source

code and executables files kept

Custom.pll - $AU_TOP/resource

Forms - $PROD_TOP/Forms/US

Reports - $PROD_TOP/Reports/US

SQL Control Files - $PROD_TOP/Bin

Shell Scripts - $PROD_TOP/Bin

48. When is Custom.pll used

Custom.pll is used while making new or customizing standard oraclke forms in apps. It contains all the forms libraries for apps.

49. What are profile options; at what levels can these be set

A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way the applications run. Oracle

Applications object Library establishes a value for each option in a user‟s profile when the

User logs on or changes responsibility.

System Profile: - Profile option can be set for the user community.

User Profile: - Provide Oracle Apps with standard information which describes a user,

Application, Responsibility and site. At each profile level user profile options can be set.

50. How can you know the form (fmb) name when you open a form in Apps


51. Where do you create a table and sequence in Apps  Is it APPS schema

In custom schema and then grant privileges on it to APPS schema.

52. Where are Views and Procedures created  27

Views: - Views are to be created only in APPS.

Procedures: - In custom schema and the grant it to APPS schema.

53. How can you tell who last updated a particular row in a form

54. You have logged onto a Responsibility, how do you know what operating unit are you on

55) Can new profiles be created  If so how

Yes. Application Developer.

56)How do you register a report  Explain passing of parameters between a concurrent program

Definition and report

After developing the report (.rdf), FTP it to the UNIX server.

Define executable.

Define concurrent program and attach the executable.

Attach the concurrent program to a request group.

57) What is the approach to create a new form to be used in Oracle Apps

The TEMPLATE form is the required starting point of all development of new forms. Start

Developing each new form by copying the TEMPLATE.fmb file, located in

$AU_TOP/forms/US(or your language and platform equivalent), to local directory and

Rename it as appropriate.

58. Explain Value Set  Difference between a Table Validated and Independent Value Set

A set of values against which Oracle Application Object Library validates values your end

users enter when running your program. You define your value set by specifying validation 28

rules, format constraints and other properties. For example, you could define a value set to

contain values that are character strings, validated from a table in your application. You can

Specify that oracle application Object Library use the same value set to validate different

Report parameters. You can also use value sets that you use in your flex fields to validate

Your report parameters.

59. How do you create a table validated value set dependent on another value set

Use :$FLEX$.<Value set name> in the where condition.

60. What is difference between a concurrent request and a concurrent request set

Concurrenct Request means containing only one concurrent program,Concurrent request set containing list of concurrenct programs(group of programs)

61. What are the two mandatory parameters required for running a PL/SQL Procedure based concurrent program

Errbuf, Retcode

62. How can you ensure that only one instance of a concurrent program runs

Check the "Run Alone" check box in Concurrent program registration window.

63. Within a PL/SQL procedure which API is to be used to extract a profile value


64. How do you set the operating unit context in a report




65. Can you submit a concurrent request from the operating system directly

Write a Shellscript.

Login to database

Run the function FND_REQUEST.Submit()

66. Explain how to generate a trace file for a pl/sql concurrent program for tuning

Check the‟Enable Trace‟ check box in concurrent program registration window. 

67. How do you “write” to the concurrent request Log and Output file


68. What is the difference between Operating Unit and Inventory Organization

Operating Unit :- An Organization that uses Oracle Cash management, Order management and Shipping Execution, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Receivables. It may be a sales Office, a division, or a dept. An operating unit is associated with a legal entity. Information is secured by operating unit for these applications. Each user sees information only for their operating unit. To run any of these applications, you choose a responsibility associated with an organization classified as an operating unit.

An organization for which you track inventory transactions and balances, and/or an organization that manufactures or distributes products. Examples, include (but are not limited to) manufacturing plants, warehouses, distribution centers, and sales offices. The following applications secure information by inventory organization: Oracle inventory, Bills of Material, Engineering, and Work in Process, Master Scheduling/MRP, Capacity, and Purchasing receiving functions. To run any of these applications, you must choose an organization that has been classified as an inventory organization.

69. What is Set of Books

A financial reporting entity that uses a particular chart of accounts, functional currency,

And accounting calendar. Oracle General Ledger secures transaction information (such as journal entries and balances) by set of books. When you use Oracle General Ledger, you choose a responsibility that specifies a set of books. You then see information for that set of books only.

70. What is Item Validation Organization

The organization that contains your master list of items. You define it by setting the OM: Item Validation Organization parameter. You must define all items and bills in your Item Validation Organization, but you also need to maintain your items and bills in separate organizations if you want to ship them from other warehouses.

71. Mention the table or views where Inventory Org, Items, Set of Books, GL Code Combinations, 

Operating Unit, Location, Customers, Vendors, and Invoices are stored in Apps.



Set of Books: - GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS 

GL Code Combinations: - GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS



Customers: - RA_CUSTOMERS



72. What is the profile to be read to find out what Inventory Organization and Operating Unit are you on

(mfg_organization_id is the Inventory Org)

73)What is Inventory Master Organization

Items are defined in an Inventory Master Organization.

74)What is the difference between key flexfield and Descriptive flexfield

Key Flexfield is used to describe unique identifiers that will have a better meaning than using number IDs. e.g a part number, a cost centre etc Desc Flex is used to just capture extra information. Key Flexfields have qualifiers whereas Desc Flexfields do not. Desc Flexfields can have context sensitive segments while Key flexfields cannot.

And one more differenct that KFF displays like text item but DFF displays like [ ] .

75)Which procedure should be called to enable a DFF in a form


76)Which procedure should be used to make the DFF read only at run time


77)What is the difference between flexfield qualifier and segment qualifier 

Flexfiled qualifier identifies segement in a flexfield and segment qualifier identifies value in a segment.

There are four types of flexfiled qualifier 1) Balancing segment qualifier 2) cost center 3) natural account and 4) intercompnay

segemtn qualifier :- 1) allow budgeting 2) allow posting 3) account type 4) contral account and 5) reconciliation flag

78)Where do concurrent request logfiles and output files go

The concurrent manager first looks for the environment variable $APPLCSF If this is set, it creates a path using two other environment variables: $APPLLOG and $APPLOUT It places log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG Output files go in $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT So for example, if you have this environment set: $APPLCSF = /u01/appl/common $APPLLOG = log $APPLOUT = out The concurrent manager will place log files in /u01/appl/common/log, and output files in /u01/appl/common/out Note that $APPLCSF must be a full, absolute path, and the other two are directory names. If $APPLCSF is not set, it places the files under the product top of the application associated with the request. So for example, a PO report would go under $PO_TOP/$APPLLOG and $PO_TOP/$APPLOUT Logfiles go to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/log Output files to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/out Of course, all these directories must exist and have the correct permissions. Note that all concurrent requests produce a log file, but not necessarily an output file.

79)How do I check if Multi-org is installed


If MULTI_ORG_FLAG is set to 'Y', Then its Multi Org.

80)How do I find out what the currently installed release of Applications is  /How do I find the name of a form

We can also find out through Help > About Oracle Applications

81)Why does Help->Tools->Examine ask for a password

Navigate to the Update System Profile Screen.

(\ navigate profile system) 32

- Select Level: Site

- Query up Utilities:Diagnostics in the User Profile Options Zone.

If the profile option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to NO, people with access to the Utilities Menu must enter the password for the ORACLE ID of the current responsibility to use Examine. If set to Yes, a password will not be required.

82)What are the API used in PO cancellation 

Ans. For Partial cancellation -> To modify the Ordered quantity

v_return_flag := apps.gems_public_apis_pkg.po_update_po

( x_po_number => v_po_number

, x_release_number => NULL

, x_revision_number => v_revision_num

, x_line_number => v_line_number

, x_shipment_number => v_shipment_num

, new_quantity => p_quantity

, new_price => NULL

, new_promised_date => NULL

, launch_approvals_flag => 'Y'

, update_source => NULL

, x_interface_type => NULL

, x_transaction_id => NULL

, version => '1.0');

For Full cancellation ->


( p_api_version => v_api_version_number

, p_init_msg_list => apps.fnd_api.g_true

, p_commit => apps.fnd_api.g_false

, x_return_status => p_return_status

, p_doc_type => 'PO'

, p_doc_subtype => v_sub_type

, p_doc_id => v_po_header_id

, p_doc_num => NULL

, p_release_id => NULL

, p_release_num => NULL

, p_doc_line_id => v_po_line_id

, p_doc_line_num => NULL

, p_doc_line_loc_id => p_line_loc_id

, p_doc_shipment_num => NULL

, p_action => 'CANCEL'

, p_action_date => SYSDATE

, p_cancel_reason => 'GPO_WAREHOUSE_DENIAL'

, p_cancel_reqs_flag => 'N'

, p_print_flag => 'N'

, p_note_to_vendor => apps.fnd_api.g_miss_char); 33

83)How an API is initialized 

Ans. apps.gems_public_apis_pkg.fnd_apps_initialize

( user_id => p_user_id

, resp_id => p_resp_id

, resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id)

84)What is the name of the API parameter when they are True,False and NULL 

Ans. apps.fnd_api.g_true, apps.fnd_api.g_false and apps.fnd_api.g_miss_char respectively.

85)What are the different steps in sending a mail from PL/SQL 

Ans. PROCEDURE glp_send_mail_po_cancel

( p_org_id IN VARCHAR2

, p_feeder_source IN VARCHAR2

, p_subject IN VARCHAR2

, p_message_body IN VARCHAR2

, p_return_status OUT VARCHAR2

, p_error_message OUT VARCHAR2


v_host_name := utl_inaddr.get_host_name();

v_host_ip := utl_inaddr.get_host_address(v_host_name);

v_mailconn := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_host_ip, 25);




v_message := v_message || 'To: ' || v_to_email_tab(v_addr_cnt) || '>' || crlf;,v_message); -- calling mail procedure


86)How do u call a mail program from Shell program 

Ans. for file in `find . -name " .com ~$5" -print |cut -c3-120`


echo $file

frm=`echo $file | cut -d'~' -f1`

tom=`echo $file | cut -d'~' -f2 | sed 's/,/ /g'`

echo $frm

echo $tom

echo "Sending mail to $tom"

mailx -r "$frm" -s 'Order Shipment Confirmation' "$tom" < "$file"


if [ $rc != 0 ]


echo 'invalid file name'

fi 34

rm -f "$file"


if [ $rc != 0 ]


echo 'invalid file name'



87)How do submit a concurrent program from PL/SQL 

Ans. apps.fnd_global.apps_initialize

(user_id => p_user_id

,resp_id => p_resp_id

,resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id)


 / p_error_message := p_error_message ||'Calling Receiving transaction processor'||chr(10);

v_request_id := apps.fnd_request.submit_request









dbms_output.put_line('request id is :'||v_request_id); COMMIT;

p_error_message := p_error_message ||'Receiving Transaction Processing Request id :'||v_request_id ||chr(10) ;

IF (v_request_id > 0) THEN

v_complete := FND_CONCURRENT.wait_for_request ( request_id => v_request_id

, interval => 10

, max_wait => 0

, phase => v_phase

, status => v_status

, dev_phase => v_dev_phase 35

, dev_status => v_dev_status

, message => v_message);

88)How do u register a concurrent program from PL/SQL 

Ans. apps.fnd_program.executable_exists -> To check if executable file exists

apps.fnd_program.executable -> To make executable file

fnd_program.program_exists -> To check if program is defined

apps.fnd_program.register -> To register/define the program

apps.fnd_program.parameter -> To add parameters

apps.fnd_program.request_group -> To add to a request group

89)How do u initialize an API 

Ans. apps.gems_public_apis_pkg.fnd_apps_initialize

( user_id => p_user_id

, resp_id => p_resp_id

, resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id)

And U can get the parameters from the following script ->


, f4.responsibility_name responsibility_name

, f4.responsibility_id responsibility_id



--, v_responsibility_name

--, v_responsibility_id

FROM applsys.fnd_user_resp_groups f6

, apps.fnd_user f5

, apps.fnd_profile_options f1

, apps.fnd_profile_option_values f2

, apps.fnd_responsibility f3

, apps.fnd_responsibility_tl f4

WHERE SYSDATE BETWEEN f6.start_date AND NVL(f6.end_date,SYSDATE)

AND f5.user_id = f6.user_id

AND UPPER(f5.user_name) like '%GLOBALPARTS%'

AND f6.responsibility_id = f4.responsibility_id

AND f2.profile_option_value = TO_CHAR(13) -- Putting the ORG ID Value

AND f2.profile_option_id = f1.profile_option_id

AND f1.profile_option_name = 'ORG_ID'

AND f3.application_id = 201

AND f2.level_value = f3.responsibility_id

AND f3.responsibility_id = f4.responsibility_id

AND UPPER(f4.responsibility_name) LIKE UPPER('GEMS%PO%MANAGER%') 36


90)How Do u register a table & a column 

Ans. EXECUTE ad_dd.register_table( 'GEMSQA', 'gems_qa_iqa_lookup_codes', 'T', 512, 10, 70);

EXECUTE ad_dd.register_column('GEMSQA', 'gems_qa_iqa_lookup_codes', 'LOOKUP_CODE', 1, 'VARCHAR2', 25, 'N', 'N');

91) What resources are provided for developing applications which will be

integrated into Oracle Applications Release 11

a. The Oracle Applications Developer's Guide Release 11 and the Oracle

Applications User Interface Standards Release 11.

b. The AU_TOP/forms/US/TEMPLATE.fmb for developing a new form.

c. The AU_TOP/forms/US/APPSTAND.fmb contains standard property classes

for your runtime platform.

d. The AU_TOP/resource/FNDSQF.pll contains routines for Flexfields,

Function Security, User Profiles, Message Dictionary.

e. The AU_TOP/resource/APPCORE.pll contains standard User Interface routines.

f. The AU_TOP/resource/APPDAYPK.pll contains the Calendar Widget routines.

g. The AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll for adding custom code which affects Oracle

Applications forms without changing Oracle Applications code.

h. The AU_TOP/resource/GLOBE.pll allows Oracle Applications developers to

incorporate global or regional features into Oracle Applications forms

without modifying the base Oracle Applications forms. Globe calls routines

JA, JE, and JL libraries.

i. The AU_TOP/resource/JA.pll called from Globe and contains Asia/Pacific code.

j. The AU_TOP/resource/JE.pll called from Globe and contains EMEA

(Europe/Middle East/Africa) code.

k. The AU_TOP/resource/JL.pll called from Globe and contains Latin America code.

l. The AU_TOP/resource/VERT.pll allows Oracle Applications developers to

incorporate vertical industry features (for automotive, consumer packaged

goods, energy, and other industries) into Oracle Applications forms

without modifying the base Oracle Applications forms. 37

m. Oracle Developer/2000 Server Release 1.6.1.

NOTE: All FMB and PLL files must be migrated to your desktop if you intend to

develop and integrate custom applications into Oracle Applications

Release 11.

92. What are the supported versions of Forms and Reports used for developing

on Oracle Applications Release 


a. The following supported versions are provided in Developer/2000

Release 1.6.1:

i. Forms 4.5

ii. Reports 2.5

93. How do I compile and/or generate an Oracle Applications form



cd $AU_TOP/forms/US

f45gen module=FNDSCAUS.fmb userid=APPS/APPS output_file=

/appl/v1100000/fnd/11.0.28/forms/US/FNDSCAUS.fmx module_type=form

batch=no compile_all=special

b. Windows NT

cd F:\applr11\au\11.0.28\forms\US

f45gen32 userid=APPS/APPS module=FNDSCAUS.fmb output_file=

applr11\fnd\forms\US\FNDSCAUS.fmx module_type=form batch=no


94. How do I open, compile and/or generate a custom Oracle Applications form on my desktop


a. To port the AU_TOP/forms/US and AU_TOP/resource files to your Windows


i. Make copies of all required files.

ii. Replicate the AU_TOP directory structure on your desktop.

iii. Move the files to their appropriate AU_TOP/forms/US for FMB and

AU_TOP/resource for PLL.

iv. Include the AU_TOP/forms/US and AU_TOP/resource directories in

your FORMS45_PATH.

v. Open, compile and/or generate forms.

NOTE: The FORMS45_PATH is specified either in your Registry or oracle.ini.

NOTE: It may sometimes be necessary to convert FMB -> FMT and PLL -> PLD before 38

porting from a Unix platform to your desktop.

95. How do I add a CUSTOM_TOP to Oracle Applications


a. Replicate an existing Oracle Applications product directory structure underneath your APPL_TOP:






| |


b. Make sure all the permissions on the files and directories are the same

as the other product directories.

c. Add the full path to this CUSTOM_TOP to your APPLSYS.env ( Source your

APPLSYS.env) or your Windows NT Registry:

UNIX: /u01/oracle/apps/vd11/xxcus/11.0.28

Windows NT: D:\oa\appltst\vd11\xxcus\11.0.28

d. Login to Oracle Applications using the System Administrator or Application

Developer Responsibility.

e. Navigate: Application -> Register and add your new CUSTOM_TOP to Oracle


Application Short Name Basepath Description


Custom Application XXCUS XXCUS_TOP Custom Application

f. Shutdown and restart your Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) so that the

concurrent manager will recognize the change to the environment that was

made to the APPLSYS.env and Registry.

96. How to get the data from the views in Multi_ORG views 

A. Using the profiles and client info package.

SELECT   FROM po_headers – this is multi org view

If we can‟t get the data with the above query then we have to write a procedure as shown below.


x NUMBER:=0; 39



fnd_client_info.set_org_context (204);


Compile and run the query once again.

97) What is Responsibility / Request Group

Ans: Responsibility is used for security reason like which Responsibility can do what type of jobs etc.

Set of Responsibility is attached with a Request group. When we attach the request group to a concurrent program, that can be perform using all the Responsibilities those are attached with Request group.

98) What is DFF

Ans: The Descriptive Flexi field is a field that we can customize to enter additional information for which Oracle Apps product has not provided a field.

Ex. ATP program calculates for those warehouses where Inventory Org Type is DC or Warehouse in DFF Attribute11 of MTL_PARAMETERS table.

99) What is Value Set

Ans: Value Sets define and store the valid items of data, which may be entered into a field.

Key Flexfields, Descriptive Flexfields and many standard fields use Value Sets.

Oracle already comes with hundreds of Value Sets.

We define additional Value Sets to support our own user-defined Key and Descriptive Flexfields (although we may use any existing standard Value Sets if they suit our purpose).

In defining a new Value Set, we are defining the physical format of valid data, which can reside in that Value Set.

Data in a Value Set can be of several types:

Independently loaded into a Value Set (through a standard form).

Resident in a table (to which we direct the Value Set definition).

There could be No Validation (any data can go into the field, but still subject to the formatting rules.)

Dependent on the value of data in a preceding Independent segment (loaded through a standard form).

Ex: For Supplies & Accessories CC in ATP, we define GEMS_GPO_ASSIGN_SET value set for the assignment set associated with that OU.

100) What is multi-org

Ans: It is data security functionality in Oracle 10.6 and above. Applicable User responsibilities are created and attached to specific Operating Unit. User can access the data that belongs to the Operating unit they login under. 40

The benefit is it enables multiple operating units to use a single installation of various modules, while keeping transaction data separate and secure by operating unit.

It has an effect on the following modules:

Order Entry




Project Accounting

101) Can you explain the Organization structure


a) Business Unit / Group : It represents the highest level in Organization structure and has no accounting impact. It determines which employees will be available to Set Of Books and Operating Units.

Ex: Consolidated Enterprise / a major division / an operating company.

b) Set Of Books: It is a financial reporting entity that uses a particular

Chart of accounts,

Functional currency and

Accounting calendar.

It is the highest level with accounting significance. Document Sequencing (important in Europe) is at the Set of Books level. Also Period open/close is at the Set of Books level.

A Set of Books is associated with only one Business Group. A Business Group may be assigned several Sets of Books i.e Multiple sets of books can share the same business group if they share the same business group attributes.

Base Table: apps.gl_sets_of_books

c) Legal Entity: A legal company for which you prepare fiscal or tax reports.

Each Legal Entity is associated with only one Set of Books. A Set of Books may have multiple Legal Entities.

Base Table: apps.hr_legal_entities

d) Operating Unit: An organization that uses oracle order management, cash management, shipping execution, payables, purchasing and receivables.

It may be a sales office, a division, or a department. Standard reports are at the Operating Unit level.

An operating unit is associated with a legal entity.

Base Table: apps.hr_operating_units

e) Inventory Organization : An organization for which you track inventory transactions and balances, and/or an organization that manufactures or distributes products.

An Operating Unit may have multiple Inventory Organizations.

Ex: manufacturing plants, warehouses, distribution centers, and sales offices. 41

Base View: apps.org_organization_definitions

f) Subinventory: An inventory organization has a number of subinventories associated with it.

Base Table: apps.mtl_secondary_inventories (secondary_inventory_name = subinventory name)

g) Locator : These are the different locations in side a subinventory.

Base Table: apps.mtl_item_locations

105)What are the mandatory parameters in Concurrent program

Ans: errbuf and Retcode (In case pl/sql store procedure)

p_conc_request_id (In case Oracle Report, it is an user-parameter)

106)Why we use token field for Concurrent program

Ans: The Token is used as for binding purpose. The parameter value is passed to the .rdf/procedure through this token. The input (user) parameter value passes to the report / stored procedure after binding with this token. The concurrent program won‟t get impact even the user parameter names get changed, but got impacted when the token name changed.

107) What are the mandatory parameters in concurrent programs

Ans: errbuf


108)Those are IN or OUT parameters.

Ans: Out Parameters

109)What is Request group

Ans: Responsibility is used for security reason like which Responsibility can do what type of jobs etc.

Set of Responsibility is attached with a Request group. When we attach the request group to a concurrent program, that can be perform using all the Responsibilities those are attached with Request group.

110)What is MultiOrg  42

Ans: It is data security functionality in Oracle 10.6 and above. Applicable User responsibilities are created and attached to specific Operating Unit. User can access the data that belongs to the Operating unit they login under.

The benefit is it enables multiple operating units to use a single installation of various modules, while keeping transaction data separate and secure by operating unit.

It has an effect on the following modules:

Order Entry




Project Accounting

111)There is an Object type “Spawned” in concurrent program. What is the use

Ans: It is used for Proc C in executable field

112)How can we call a Report from Form in Apps

Thru concurrent prog

113) what are the setup we need to do before running into Oracle Apps.

Ans: Go to Oracle Apps > System Administraror (Responsibility) > Create a User using SSO > Add responsibility

Switch to COE Dev Sys Administrator (Responsibility) > Add the Responsibility that is attached to the newly created User > menue > exclude / include the function according to the requirement

114) What is multi_org

Ans: It is data security functionality in Oracle 10.6 and above. Applicable User responsibilities are created and attached to specific Operating Unit. User can access the data that belongs to the Operating unit they login under.

The benefit is it enables multiple operating units to use a single installation of various modules, while keeping transaction data separate and secure by operating unit.

It has an effect on the following modules:

Order Entry




Project Accounting

115) What is the difference between po_headers & po_headers_all

Ans: Here comes the concept of multi_org. po_headers contains data that is irrespective of multi_org i.e any supplier can view all the records. In case of po_headers_all 43

116) What is the basic requirement that we need to set before starting a form in Oracle Apps


a) FTP the templet.fmb From $au_top/bin To Local m/c

b) Rename the templet.fmb as User defined name

c) Trigger Level Change: Pre_Form : app_window.set_window_position('BLK_ORG', 'FIRST_WINDOW'); -- 1st Window Name

set_window_property('BLK_ORG',title,'Form name') -- 1st Window Name, caption

Block Level Change: Rename Default_block

Form Level Change: Property Panel > Navigation > First Navigation Data Block > (Set A Block Name)

Program Unit Level: App_custom > (set the 1st window name)

118) What is the API we use to see the message from log file


When we use an API, it automatically stores the error message in a pl/sql table i.e creating a log of the errors.

We can see those error messages thougt fnd_message_pub API

119)There is a check box called Use in SRS. What is its use

SRS stands for Standard Request Submit. We can execute concurrent program by directly passing parameters. On checking this „Use In SRS‟ check box, we can independently use the concurrent program.

120)Do you know Extension table

Ans: Unlike database table, it store outside the database like BFile (content store outside the DB but the location store in DB like pointer). It contains metadata only. So no DML operation (except SELECT, Group by, Order By) can possible.

121)Why do we call FND SRWINIT from Before Report Trigger

A. FND SRWINIT fetches concurrent request information and sets up the profile options. It must be included if one is using any ORACLE APPLICATION OBJECT LIBRARY features in his report (such as concurrent processing)

122)Why do we call FND SRWEXIT from After Report Trigger

A. FND SRWEXIT frees all the memory allocations done in other Oracle Applications user exits. It must be included if one is using any ORACLE APPLICATION OBJECT LIBRARY features in his report (such as concurrent processing)

123) Why do we call FND FLEXSQL from the Before Report Trigger

A. One need to pass the concatenated segment values from the underlying code combinations table to the user exit so that it can display appropriate data and derive any description and values from switched value sets as needed. One gets this information by calling the AOL user exit FND FLEXSQL from the before report Trigger. 44

124. If u call the user exit FND FLEXSQL with MODE = “ WHERE” from the Before Report Trigger. What will it do

A. This user exit populates a lexical parameter that you specify with the appropriate SQL fragment at run time. You include this lexical parameter in the WHERE clause of the report query. This user exit is called once for each lexical to be changed.

125. If u call the user exit FND FLEXSQL with MODE = “ ORDER BY” from the Before Report Trigger. What will it do

A. This user Exit populates the lexical parameter that one specifies with the appropriate SQL fragment at run time. One includes this lexical parameter in the ORDER BY clause of the report query. This user exit is called once for each lexical to be changed.

126. How can we display flexfield segment values, descriptions, and prompts on the report

A. Create a formula Column. Call the user exit FND FLEXIDVAL as the formula for this column. This user exit automatically fetches more complicated information such as descriptions and prompts so that one does not has to use complicated table joins to the flex field tables.

127. Name some options of the FND FLEXSQL user exit


128. Describe CODE option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specify the flex field code for the report (for example, GL#, MCAT).

129. Describe the APP_SHORT_NAME option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specifies the short name of the application that owns the flex field (for example: SQLGL, INV)

130. Describe the OUTPUT option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specify the name of the lexical parameter to store the SQl fragment. One uses this lexical later in the report when defining the SQL statement that selects the flexfield values. the datatype of this parameter should be character.

131. Describe the MODE option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specify the mode to use to generate the SQL fragment . valid mode are :

SELECT: Retrieves all segments values in an internal (non- displayable format).

WHERE: Restrict the query by specifying constraints on flexfield columns. The fragment returned includes the correct decode statement if one specifies MULTINUM. One must also specify an OPERATOR and OPERANDS.

HAVING: Same calling procedures and functionality as WHERE.

ORDER BY: Order required information by flexfield columns. The fragment Orders your flexfield columns and separates them with a comma. The fragment returned includes the correct decode statement, one specifies in MULTINUM.

132. Describe the DISPLAY option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. One uses the DISPLAY token with the MODE token . the DISPLAY parameter allows you to specify segments that represent specified flexfield qualifiers or specified segments numbers , 45

where the segment numbers are the order in that the segments appear in the flexfield window, not the segment number specified in the Define Key Segments form.

Eg. If your MODE is SELECT and you specify DISPLAY = “ALL” then the SELECT statement includes all the segments of the flexfield. . Similarly, if your MODE is WHERE and you specify DISPLAY = “ALL”, then your WHERE clause includes all segments.

133. Describe the SHOWDEPSEG option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. SHOWDEPSEG = “N” disables automatic addition of depended upon segments to the order criteria. The default is “Y”. This token is valid only for MODE = “ODER BY” In FLEXSQL.

134. Describe the NUM option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specify the name or lexical or source column that contains the flexfield structure information. If the flexfield uses just one structure, specify NUM only and use a lexical parameter to hold the value. If the flexfield uses multiple structures, specify MULTINUM only and use a source column to hold the value. The default value is 101.

135. Describe the TABLE ALIAS option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. You use TABLE ALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self – join.

136. Describe the OPERATOR option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specify an operator to use in the WHERE clause.

137. Describe the OPERAND1 option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specify an operand to use in the WHERE clause,

138. Describe the OPERAND2 option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit

A. Specify a second operand to use with OPERATOR = “BETWEEN”

139. Where is FND FLEXIDVAL user exit used

A. Call this user exit to populate fields for display. You pass the key flex fields data retrieved by the query into this user exit from the formula column. With this exit you can display values, descriptions and prompts by passing appropriate token (any one of VALUE, DECRIPTION<APROMPT or LPROMPT).

140) Name the interface tables used for the customer interface






141) What is the name of the column in CUSTOMER_INTERFACE_TABLE that indicates whether you 

are inserting new or updating existing information

A: When importing data into the interface tables, the column INSERT_UPDATE_FLAG indicates whether you are inserting new or updating existing information. This column is required in RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE. 46

142) If the INSERT_UPDATE_FLAG is not set correctly or the required column is missing the value, will CUSTOMER INTERFACE reject the entire record or just the attributes u want to update

A Reject the entire record.

143) List some of the required columns for the RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE




CUSTOMER_NUMBER (if you are not using Automatic Customer Numbering)






If you are importing an address and a business purpose, you must also populate the following columns:

PRIMARY_SITE_USE_FLAG (if you are inserting an address)

LOCATION (if you are not using Automatic Site Numbering)

SITE_USE_CODE (if you are inserting an address)


144) List some of the production tables that Customer Interface transfers customer data from the interface tables into













145). What validation must be given on the customer_number

A Must be null if you are using Automatic Customer Numbering. Must exist if you are not using Automatic Customer Numbering. This value must be unique within RA_CUSTOMERS.

146) What validation must be given on the CUSTOMER_STATUS

A Must equal 'A' for Active or ‟I‟ for Inactive.

147) Name some of the Oracle receivables Interfaces

A a) Auto Invoice

b) Auto Lockbox

c) Customer Interface 47

d) Sales Tax rate Interface

e) Tax Vendor Extension

148) Give some of the Oracle Payables interface

A. a) Credit Card Transaction Interface

b) Invoice Import Interface

c) Payables Open Interface

d) Purchase Order Matching

149). Name some of the oracle general ledger Interface

A a) Budget Upload

b) Importing Journals

c) Loading Daily rates

150). What are the names of the parameters u pass to the Procedure which u register in the apps

A. 1) retcode in varchar2

2) errbuf in varchar2

151). What is the use of Auto lock Box

A Auto Lockbox (or Lockbox) is a service that commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing.

152). Auto Lockbox is a three-step process, what are those

A. a) Import

b) Validation

c) PostQuickCash

153). What is the order in which Autolock box searches for the types of the matching number

A. 1. Transaction Number

2. Sales Order Number

3. Purchase Order Number

4. Consolidated Billing Invoice Number

5. Other, user-defined number.

154. What is application short name for General Ledger you specify in FND FLEXSQL user exit


155) . What are validations to be done in Journal Import interface.

A. Batch level: Set of Books, Period Name, and Batch Name

Journal Level: Set of books, Period name, Source name, Journal entry name, Currency code, Category name, Actual flag, Encumbrance type ID, User conversion type, Accounting date, Budget version ID

156) What subclass in forms6i 

A Specifies module, storage & name information about the source object and source module for a referenced objects.

157) What is the clause in SQL   Loader to program to override data into table


158). How do you set profile in oracle applications In Application Developer responsibility

A Open "Profile" Function

159). What is the syntax for loading data through SQL   Loader from multiple files simultaneously

A. Sqlldr scott/tiger@orcl control = ctlfile

parfile -- parameter file: name of file that contains parameter specifications

parallel -- do parallel load (Default FALSE)

160) What is the table name for items in Oracle Inventory


161). Tell me names of important production tables & their purpose AP, AR, GL, PO


To store invoices


PO: PO_VENDORS, PO_VENDOR_SITES - For storing vendor data.

162). Name the interface tables used for the LockBox Interface


Lockbox transfers the receipts that pass validation to the Receivables interim tables AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and AR_INTERIM_CASH_RCPT_LINES_ALL

When you run Post QuickCash, the receipt data is transferred from the QuickCash tables to the following Receipt tables:




163) Name the interface tables used for the Auto Invoice Interface.

A Auto Invoice transfers transaction data from the interface tables




into the following Receivables tables:









164). Different Type of Value Sets. What is exactly Translatable independent and Translatable Dependent Value Sets (Introduced in latest version of 11i).

Ans:- There are 8 types of Values Sets.

a. None (Non Validate at all) (Validation is Minimal)

b. Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values)

c. Dependent (Input is checked against a subset of values based on prior Value)

d. Table (Input is checked against a subset of values in an application table)

e. Special (advanced) (Value set uses a flexfield itself)

f. Pair (advanced) (Two Flexfields together specify a range of valid values)

g. Translatable Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values. Translated value can be used)

h. Translatable Dependent. (Input is checked against a subset of values based on a prior value; translated value can be used)

(Note:- When you first define your flexfields, you choose how many segments

You want to use and what order you want them to appear. You also

Choose how you want to validate each of your segments. The decisions

You make affect how you define your value sets and your values.)

165) How to run a concurrent program. What all concurrent programs u have


Ans:- (Definition :- A concurrent program is an instance of an execution file, along with

parameter definitions and incompatibilities. Concurrent programs use concurrent program executables to locate the correct execution file.)

Oracle Tool Concurrent Program   A concurrent program written in

Oracle Reports, PL/SQL package procedures,

SQL Loader, SQL Plus, Host Scripting.

How to Run :   Write a execution file and place in correct directory.

Establish executables in Oracle apps specify execution file and method.

Define Concurrent Program (Program, Parameters and Incompatibilities)

Call your Program (- Thu application form, from other concurrent program.

- OR through standard request submission, you must check the „USE in SRS check box‟ and register your program parameters when you define your concurrent program. Add your program into the request security group for your custom application.)

I have created reports through concurrent program, load(sql loader/pl-sql pkg-proc) the file through concurrent program.

166) What is parameter in apps and from where u can create it.

Ans:- Parameters only using in report, you can create in defining the report in

apps (you can create the parameter there only).

167)What all are the tables used in the modules u have worked on.


 In PO- I have worked on PO_HEADER_ALL…..

168)What is Profile  Explain different levels of Profile.

Ans:- A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your

applications run. Oracle Application Object Library establishes a value

for each option in a user‟s profile when the user logs on or changes 50

responsibility. Your user can change the value of profile options at any

time a) To create Profile Option. ( Profile Option can created by developer in application developer area) b)set the value (Values of the profile option , who will have what value at various levels is set by SYSADMIN). Oracle Application Object Library provides many options that. (Edit profile feature for every user is available to set any value to allow the user).your users can set to alter the user interface of your applications to satisfy their individual preferences.

Profile Option – set at run time like – User Related, responsibility, Sequence, Printer, Security.

Values in 4 Levels(HIEARCHY WISE) :-





Application Developer create the profile.

System Administrator make profile option.

(NOTE:- If any change in value, it will active when you re-login or switch

to the responsibility.)

( Usage in the multi-tier, the profile is biggest impact)

169)How to restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID

Ans:-Through Multi – Org(MO) u can restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID. Only in GL- Set of book Id you set the value to restrict the data for a responsibility.

170) What is Flexfield  What is flexfield qualifier and what is segment qualifier

Ans:- A flexfield is made up a segments (Which are actually table columns). Each segment has a name that can be assigned, and set of valid value.

Purpose and Application:-

  Flexibility to implement code structure.

  Flexibility to capture additional information.

Two Types of Flexfields in oracle apps.

1. Key Flexfields (KFF)

2. Descriptive Flexfields (DFF)

A key flexfield segment has a name you assign, and set of valid values you specify. Each value has a meaning which can be specified.

Flexfield Qualifier:-A flexfield qualifier identifies a particular segment of a key flexfield..

Usually an application needs some method of identifying a particular

segment for some application purpose such as security or computations. However, since a key flexfield can be customized so that segments appear in any order with any prompts, the application needs a mechanism other than the segment name or segment order to

use for segment identification.

Segment Qualifier :- A segment qualifier identifies a particular type of value in a single

segment of a key flexfield.

In the Oracle Applications, only the. Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers. You can think of a segment qualifier as an ”identification tag” for a value. In the Accounting Flexfield, segment qualifiers can identify the account type

171) Which flexfield qualifiers are mandatory

Ans:- "Balancing Segment" flexfield qualifier is mandatory. 

172) Difference Between versions of Apps.(Front end & Database)

Ans:- In backend- Client server architecture (old)/ Three tire architecture

In font end- Client Server Application (old)/ Web Based application

173)What is MULTI-ORG and what is structure of multi-org.

Ans:- Use a single installation of any oracle applications product to support any number of organizations. if those organizations use different set of books.

Support any number or legal entities with a single installation of oracle applications.

Secure access to data so that users can access only the information that is relevant to them.

Structure :- Business Unit


-GL(Set of Books)(Currency, Calendar, Chart of Account)


Balancing Segment(You can do multiple balancing segment)

-Operating Units (Purchase, Selling, Fixed Asset, Payable,


-Inventory Organizations (Storing Items, Transaction Happening,

Ware Housing)

(Note:- Means if you maintaining GL(set of book id), If u have operating unit, if you

have inventory then its called MULTI-ORG)

174)What is difference between ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID in Multi-Org.

At where we can set ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID level it comes in the


Ans:-A Global Variable exists in the oracle database called CLIENT_INFO, which is 64 bytes long. The first 10 bytes are used to store the operating unit ID(or ORG_ID) for the multiple organization support feature.

Multi-Org views are partitioned by ORG_ID. The ORG_ID value is stored in CLIENT_INFO variable.(It comes in AP,PO,AR,OM level)

ORGANIZATION_ID – Its for Inventory, Mfg, & BOM.

175)ORG_ID can be set at master levels or transaction level.

Ans:- ORG_ID can be set at transaction Level.

176)Differnet type of execution methods in Conc.Progs. Explain Each Type.

Ans:- a.Oracle Reports- You can register your report as executable file type is oracle reports.

b. PL/SQL Package Procedure - You can register your PL/SQL Package Procedure as executable file type is oracle PL/SQL Package Procedure.

1. SQL Loader- You can register your SQL Loader SQL Loader is your executable file type.(for data loading)

2. SQL Plus :- You can register your SQL script as SQL Plus executable type.

3. Host Scripting:- You can write down Unix Host scripting and register here.

177) What is difference between oracle schema and apps schema.

Ans:-Database Schema-

The APPS schema- is an ORACLE schema that has access to the

complete Oracle Applications data model. This schema is maintained

by Auto Install .

178)What are the objects APPS schema contain. 52

Ans:- The APPS schema contains synonyms to all tables and

sequences as well as all server–side code (stored procedures, views,

and database triggers).

For ERP applications, data partitioning is performed by database

views. These views reside in the APPS Oracle schema and derive the

appropriate operating unit context from an RDBMS variable.

179)When will a New version of flint60 be released

flint60 is a developer/development tool. Since flint60 can change at any time, the most current flint60 will always obsolete all prior releases. In other words, the development standards implemented in the most current flint60 are the standards to which everyone using flint60 must adhere.

1. How do I register a custom concurrent program

Step 1: Register a concurrent program executable Navigate to the Define Executable form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-84) This determines the type of program being run, ie an Oracle Report, a C program, a shell script etc. Fill in the executable name, application and execution method. For the Execution File, fill in just the filename. The concurrent manager will look in the appropriate directory under the application's top directory. For spawned programs, the file must be in the bin directory, for Oracle Reports the rdf file must be in the srw directory. For PLSQL concurrent programs, put the name of the stored procedure.

Step 2: Define the concurrent program Navigate to the Define Concurrent Program form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-87) This form links a concurrent program to the executable you just defined, as well as defines the programs parameters, incompatibilities, and other options. Enter the concurrent program name, application, short name and description. Check Standard Submission if you want to be able to submit this program from the Standard Report Submission form. Enter the name of the executable you defined and any report information if necessary. Also define any parameters your program needs here and any incompatibilities.

Step 3: Add the concurrent program to a Report Group First you will need to find the name of the Report Group to use. Go to Security->Responsibility and query the responsibility you want to run the program with. It should show a Report Group name. Query this name in Security->Responsibility->Report Add your new program to the list of available programs. Now when you go to submit a request with this responsibility, you will be able to submit your custom program

180)How do I compile a custom C program

Spawned programs:

Step 1: Write the code Self-explanatory

Step 2: Compile the source You must use the makefile under $FND_TOP/usrxit Use: make -f $FND_TOP/usrxit/Makefile program.o We do not support using any other makefile

Step 3: Link the program This part is a little tricky. You need to create a custom makefile for this step. Use $FND_TOP/lib/ as a starting point. Copy this file to the lib directory under your applications top directory. Rename it <short name>.mk (ie, etc) Modify this file according to the directions in it. Basically you need to 53

add a target and build commands for your executable. Next, use adrelink to link the executable: adrelink force=y ranlib=y 'shortname programname'

 Step 4: Register the program as in the above question

Immediate programs: Just don't do it.

181)How do I run a shell script as a concurrent program

1: Write the script and call it <name>.prog Place the script under the bin directory under your applications top directory. For example, call the script CUSTOM.prog and place it under $CUSTOM_TOP/bin


2: Make a symbolic link from your script to $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr For example, if the script is called CUSTOM.prog use this: ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr CUSTOM This link should be named the same as your script without the .prog extension It should be in the same directory as the script.

3: Register a concurrent program as described above, using an execution method of 'Host' Use the name of your script without the .prog extension as the name of the executable For the example above, you would use CUSTOM CUSTOM

4: Your script will be passed at least 4 parameters, in $1 through $4 These will be: orauser/pwd, userid, username, request_id Any other parameters you define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.

define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.

5: If your script returns a failure exit status but the concurrent manager does not report the error (shows it as still running normal) apply patch 442824

182)How will u register RDF file and run it  Tell the Sequence

Steps a. Save the copy of ur reports in rdf file in ur local directory.

b. Transfer or copy the rdf file to cus_top under reports directory through ftp.

C. Then go concurrent program under executable menu where u define executable file and program name

d. Then go to define the program name (which ur executable file name ) and check the srs box and define the parameter and give the parameter name in token

e. Attach the program(request to ur responsibility )

d run the program and view the out put is srs through ur responsibility

What are different types of value sets 

183)What is translatable Independent & Dependent 

The value set used to support the multilingual value set.

185))How do I submit a concurrent request from PL/SQL

ans : using fnd_request.submit_request .


v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(applicationshortname,






if v_request_id > 0 then

dbms_output.put_line('Successfully submitted')


dbms_output.put_line('Not Submitted');


note : to submit a conc program from UNIX/shell scrip we use CONSUB

186) How do I cancel a running concurrent request

Navigate to the Concurrent Request Summary form Select a request The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request

187) What is the difference between organization id and org_id 

Organization_id stores inventory organization id ( like 204 for M1)

Org_id stores the OU id corresponding to a operating unit .

188) What is the difference between conversion and interfaces 

conversion means one time activity interface means periodic activity

example:- to transfer the data old version to new version it is called conversionto transfer the data from staging table to interface table it is called interface , it is process on every day or every hour ........

189) What are the different types of value sets and also explain each briefly 

Different types of Value sets are,

1) Independent- This Value set contains list of values which does not depends on any other value

2) Dependant- It contains values which depends on any one of the Independant value

3) Pair- combines 2 flex field together to specify range of valid values

4) Special- Uses only 1 flex field structure to specify values

5) Table- This Value set contains list of values from 1 or more than 1 table columns

6) Translatable Dependant- Same as Dependant value set, only translated values are present

7) Translatable Independant- Same as Independant value set, only translated values are present

190) How do you register a table and columns in Oracle Apps>

To register the table and columns in AOL the navigation is: Open Appliaction Developer---> Appliaction--->Database--->table.(In table mention the table name(which you want to register), user table name,columns,user column name). The table & columns which you are going to register should be present in your module specific schema

195) What can we find TEMPLATE.FMB file 


Template.fmb file can be found in AU_TOP resource directory. This file contains all the Common characterstics all the forms. And also Contains Diffrent libraries. like CUSTOM.pll,APPCORE,APPCOREE2,FNDSQF, JE,JL,JA,VERT,GLOBE etc.. And Template.fmb cotains Diffrent propery classes for all the objects. This Template.fmb can be used for developing the new form 55

196) What are the libraries attached to TEMPLATE form 

The Template form required 19 .pll in 11i version. Those pll names are :

APPCORE.pll APPCORE2.pll FNDSQF.pll APPDAYPK.pll GLOBE.pll JE.pll JL.pll JA.pll VERT.pll GHR.pll PQH_GEN.pll PSAC.pll PSB.pll PSA.pll IGILUTIL.pll

IGILUTIL2.pll CUSTOM.pll GMS.pll FV.pll OPM.pll

197)What is Concurrent Programming

Concurrent Processing in Oracle Apps simultaneously executes programs running in the Background with on line operations to fully utilize your hardware capacity.

Use Concurrent Programming for

Long Running – Data intensive tasks such as Posting a Journal or generating a report.

198)What is the Role of Concurrent Managers

A Concurrent Manager is a component of Concurrent processing that monitors and runs tasks without tying up your computer.

199)What is AOL

Oracle Applications are constructed and maintained using the Application Object Library (AOL).

The Three main areas of AOL are

o Applications Security

o Operating Profile

o Concurrent Processing

1. What is the Flex field  What are the types of Flex field

o Flex Field is “Flexible Field”

o A Flexfield is made up of Segments.

o Each segment has a name that can be assigned and has set of valid values.

o There are two types of Flex field Key Flex Field and Descriptive Flex Fields.

1. What are the tables related to flex field




1. What is AD_DD package

AD_DD Package is used to register the Table, Columns, and Primary Key in Oracle Applications.






















224) What is parameter in apps and from where u can create it. Ans:- Parameters only using in report, you can create in defining the report in

apps (you can create the parameter there only).

225)What all are the tables used in the modules u have worked on.  In GL – I have worked on GL_JE_HEADERS(JOURNALS HEADER),GL_JE_LINES(JOURNAL LINES), GL_JE_BACHES(JOURNAL BATCHES), GL_SET_OF_BOOK(SET_OF_BOOK_ID),

 In PO- I have worked on PO_HEADER_ALL….. 

 226)What is Profile  Explain different levels of Profile. Ans:- A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your

applications run. Oracle Application Object Library establishes a value

for each option in a user‟s profile when the user logs on or changes

responsibility. Your user can change the value of profile options at any

time a) To create Profile Option. ( Profile Option can created by developer in application developer area) b)set the value (Values of the profile option , who will have what value at various levels is set by SYSADMIN). Oracle Application Object Library provides many options that. (Edit profile feature for every user is available to set any value to allow the user).your users can set to alter the user interface of your applications to satisfy their individual preferences. Profile Option – set at run time like – User Related, responsibility, Sequence, Printer, Security.

61 Values in 4 Levels(HIEARCHY WISE) :- E. USER




Application Developer create the profile. System Administrator make profile option. (NOTE:- If any change in value, it will active when you re-login or switch to the responsibility.)

( Usage in the multi-tier, the profile is biggest impact)

227)How to restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID Ans:-Through Multi – Org(MO) u can restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID. Only in GL- Set of book Id you set the value to restrict the data for a responsibility. 

228) is Flexfield  What is flexfield qualifier and what is segment qualifier  Ans:- A flexfield is made up a segments (Which are actually table columns). Each segment has a name that can be assigned, and set of valid value.

Purpose and Application:-

  Flexibility to implement code structure.

  Flexibility to capture additional information.

Two Types of Flexfields in oracle apps.

1. Key Flexfields (KFF)

2. Descriptive Flexfields (DFF)

A key flexfield segment has a name you assign, and set of valid values you specify. Each value has a meaning which can be specified. Flexfield Qualifier:-A flexfield qualifier identifies a particular segment of a key flexfield.. Usually an application needs some method of identifying a particular

segment for some application purpose such as security or computations. However, since a key flexfield can be customized so that segments appear in any order with any prompts, the application needs a mechanism other than the segment name or segment order to

use for segment identification.

Segment Qualifier :- A segment qualifier identifies a particular type of value in a single segment of a key flexfield.

In the Oracle Applications, only the. Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers. You can think of a segment qualifier as an identification tag for a value. In the Accounting Flexfield, segment qualifiers can identify the account type

229)Which flexfield qualifiers are mandatory  Ans:- „Balancing Segment‟ flex field qualifier is mandatory. 

230)Difference Between versions of Apps.(Front end & Database) Ans:- In backend- Client server architecture (old)/ Three tire architecture

In font end- Client Server Application (old)/ Web Based application 

231)What is MULTI-ORG and what is structure of multi-org. Ans:- Use a single installation of any oracle applications product to support any number of organizations. if those organizations use different set of books.

Support any number or legal entities with a single installation of oracle applications. 62 Secure access to data so that users can access only the information that is relevant to them. Structure :- Business Unit -HRMS(Employee)

-GL(Set of Books)(Currency, Calendar, Chart of Account)


Balancing Segment(You can do multiple balancing segment)

-Operating Units (Purchase, Selling, Fixed Asset, Payable,


-Inventory Organizations (Storing Items, Transaction Happening,

Ware Housing)

(Note:- Means if you maintaining GL(set of book id), If u have operating unit, if you

have inventory then its called MULTI-ORG)

232)What is difference between ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID in Multi-Org.

At where we can set ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID level it comes in the

structure. Ans:-A Global Variable exists in the oracle database called CLIENT_INFO, which is 64 bytes long. The first 10 bytes are used to store the operating unit ID(or ORG_ID) for the multiple organization support feature.

Multi-Org views are partitioned by ORG_ID. The ORG_ID value is stored in CLIENT_INFO variable.(It comes in AP,PO,AR,OM level)

ORGANIZATION_ID – Its for Inventory, Mfg, & BOM.

233)ORG_ID can be set at master levels or transaction level. Ans:- ORG_ID can be set at transaction Level. 

234)Differnet type of execution methods in Conc.Progs. Explain Each Type. Ans:- a.Oracle Reports- You can register your report as executable file type is oracle reports.

b. PL/SQL Package Procedure - You can register your PL/SQL Package Procedure as executable file type is oracle PL/SQL Package Procedure.

1. SQL Loader- You can register your SQL Loader SQL Loader is your executable file type.(for data loading)

2. SQL Plus :- You can register your SQL script as SQL Plus executable type.

3. Host Scripting:- You can write down Unix Host scripting and register here. 

235)What is difference between oracle schema and apps schema. Ans:-Database Schema-

The APPS schema- is an ORACLE schema that has access to the

complete Oracle Applications data model. This schema is maintained

by AutoInstall. 

236) What are the objects APPS schema contain. Ans:- The APPS schema contains synonyms to all tables and

sequences as well as all server–side code (stored procedures, views,

and database triggers).

For ERP applications, data partitioning is performed by database

views. These views reside in the APPS Oracle schema and derive the 63 appropriate operating unit context from an RDBMS variable. 

237)What are the names of the parameters u pass to the Procedure which u register in the apps  B. 1) retcode in varchar2

2) errbuf in varchar2 

238) What is application short name for General Ledger you specify in FND FLEXSQL user exit  A. SQLGL 

239)How do you set profile in oracle applications In Application Developer responsibility  A Open "Profile" Function 

240) What is the syntax for loading data through SQL   Loader from multiple files simultaneously A. Sqlldr scott/tiger@orcl control = ctlfile

parfile -- parameter file: name of file that contains parameter specifications

parallel -- do parallel load (Default FALSE) 

241)Give the relation between categories and items table. MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS



242)In which tables are the categories of an item stored. MTL_CATEGORIES_B


243)Significance of ALL in apps tables. Tables which are related with Multiorg is suffixed with ALL. 

244)Explain about flexfield in GL.In what way it is useful  A KFF is a set of segments, each segment will identify a unique characterstic of an entity. it can be termed as intelligent key. we can define our business requirements without doing any programming.

A DFF is a set of segments which can be used to capture extra info. without any customisation. 

245)Execution methods

Ans. a. Host b. Immediate

c. Java Stored Procedure

d. Java Concurrent Program

e. Multi Language Function

f. Oracle Reports

64 g. PL/SQL Stored Procedure

h. Request Set Stage Function

i. Spawned

j. SQL Loader

k. SQL Plus 

246) What is TCA (Trading Community Architecture)

Ans. Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the parties, or customers, who belong to your commercial community, including organizations, locations, and the network of hierarchical relationships among them. This information is maintained in the TCA Registry, which is the single source of trading community information for Oracle E-Business Suite applications. 

247) Difference between Application Developer and System Administrator  Role of Technical Consultant:

1. Designing New Forms, Programs and Reports

2. Forms and Reports customization

3. Developing Interfaces

4. Developing PL/SQL stored procedures

5. Workflow automations

Role of System Administrator:

1. Define Logon Users

2. Define New/Custom Responsibility

3. Define Data Groups

4. Define Concurrent Managers

5. Define Printers

6. Test Network Preferences

7. Define/Add new Modules

Role of an Apps DBA:

1. Installing of Application

2. Upgradation

3. Migration

4. Patches

5. Routing maintenance of QA

6. Cloning of OA 

248)What are Flexfields

Ans. A Flexfield is a customizable field that opens in a window from a regular Oracle Applications window. Defining flexfields enables you to tailor Oracle Applications to your own business needs. By using flexfields, you can: (a) Structure certain identifiers required by oracle applications according to your own business environment.

(b) Collect and display additional information for your business as needed.

Key Flexfields: You use key flexfields to define your own structure for many of the identifiers required by Oracle Applications. Profile – „Flexfields:Open Key Window‟ (FND_ID_FLEXS)

 Descriptive Flexfield: You use descriptive flexfields to gather additional information about your business entities beyong the information required by Oracle Applications. Profile – Flexfields: Open Descr Window‟ (FND_DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXS) 249) Request Set and where do you define it

Ans. Request sets allow you to submit multiple requests together using multiple execution path. A request set is a collection of reports and /or programs that are grouped together. A stage is a component of a request set used to group requests within the set. All of the requests in a given stage are executed in parallel. Advantages of stages are the ability to execute several requests in parallel and then move sequentially to the next stage.

Responsibility: System Administrator

Nav: Concurrent -> Set

249) Which flexfield qualifiers are mandatory

Ans:- Balancing Segment flexfield qualifier is mandatory. 

250) Difference Between versions of Apps.(Front end & Database)

Ans:- In backend- Client server architecture (old)/ Three tire architecture

In font end- Client Server Application (old)/ Web Based application

173)What is MULTI-ORG and what is structure of multi-org.

Ans:- Use a single installation of any oracle applications product to support any number of organizations. if those organizations use different set of books.

Support any number or legal entities with a single installation of oracle applications.

Secure access to data so that users can access only the information that is relevant to them.

Structure :- Business Unit


-GL(Set of Books)(Currency, Calendar, Chart of Account)


Balancing Segment(You can do multiple balancing segment)

-Operating Units (Purchase, Selling, Fixed Asset, Payable,


-Inventory Organizations (Storing Items, Transaction Happening,

Ware Housing)

(Note:- Means if you maintaining GL(set of book id), If u have operating unit, if you

have inventory then its called MULTI-ORG)

174)What is difference between ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID in Multi-Org.

At where we can set ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID level it comes in the


Ans:-A Global Variable exists in the oracle database called CLIENT_INFO, which is 64 bytes long. The first 10 bytes are used to store the operating unit ID(or ORG_ID) for the multiple organization support feature.

Multi-Org views are partitioned by ORG_ID. The ORG_ID value is stored in CLIENT_INFO variable.(It comes in AP,PO,AR,OM level)

ORGANIZATION_ID – Its for Inventory, Mfg, & BOM.

15.Q.What are the default types of parameters. What is the use of each one of it.


175)ORG_ID can be set at master levels or transaction level.

Ans:- ORG_ID can be set at transaction Level.

176)Differnet type of execution methods in Conc.Progs. Explain Each Type.

Ans:- a.Oracle Reports- You can register your report as executable file type is oracle reports.

b. PL/SQL Package Procedure - You can register your PL/SQL Package Procedure as executable file type is oracle PL/SQL Package Procedure.

1. SQL Loader- You can register your SQL Loader SQL Loader is your executable file type.(for data loading)

2. SQL Plus :- You can register your SQL script as SQL Plus executable type.

3. Host Scripting:- You can write down Unix Host scripting and register here.

177) What is difference between oracle schema and apps schema.

Ans:-Database Schema-

The APPS schema- is an ORACLE schema that has access to the

complete Oracle Applications data model. This schema is maintained

by Auto Install .

178)What are the objects APPS schema contain. 52

Ans:- The APPS schema contains synonyms to all tables and

sequences as well as all server–side code (stored procedures, views,

and database triggers).

For ERP applications, data partitioning is performed by database

views. These views reside in the APPS Oracle schema and derive the

appropriate operating unit context from an RDBMS variable.

179)When will a New version of flint60 be released

flint60 is a developer/development tool. Since flint60 can change at any time, the most current flint60 will always obsolete all prior releases. In other words, the development standards implemented in the most current flint60 are the standards to which everyone using flint60 must adhere.

1. How do I register a custom concurrent program

Step 1: Register a concurrent program executable Navigate to the Define Executable form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-84) This determines the type of program being run, ie an Oracle Report, a C program, a shell script etc. Fill in the executable name, application and execution method. For the Execution File, fill in just the filename. The concurrent manager will look in the appropriate directory under the applications top directory. For spawned programs, the file must be in the bin directory, for Oracle Reports the rdf file must be in the srw directory. For PLSQL concurrent programs, put the name of the stored procedure.

Step 2: Define the concurrent program Navigate to the Define Concurrent Program form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-87) This form links a concurrent program to the executable you just defined, as well as defines the programs parameters, incompatibilities, and other options. Enter the concurrent program name, application, short name and description. Check Standard Submission if you want to be able to submit this program from the Standard Report Submission form. Enter the name of the executable you defined and any report information if necessary. Also define any parameters your program needs here and any incompatibilities.

Step 3: Add the concurrent program to a Report Group First you will need to find the name of the Report Group to use. Go to Security->Responsibility and query the responsibility you want to run the program with. It should show a Report Group name. Query this name in Security->Responsibility->Report Add your new program to the list of available programs. Now when you go to submit a request with this responsibility, you will be able to submit your custom program

180)How do I compile a custom C program

Spawned programs:

Step 1: Write the code Self-explanatory

Step 2: Compile the source You must use the makefile under $FND_TOP/usrxit Use: make -f $FND_TOP/usrxit/Makefile program.o We do not support using any other makefile

Step 3: Link the program This part is a little tricky. You need to create a custom makefile for this step. Use $FND_TOP/lib/ as a starting point. Copy this file to the lib directory under your applications top directory. Rename it <short name>.mk (ie, etc) Modify this file according to the directions in it. Basically you need to 53

add a target and build commands for your executable. Next, use adrelink to link the executable: adrelink force=y ranlib=y shortname programname

 Step 4: Register the program as in the above question

Immediate programs: Just dont do it.

181)How do I run a shell script as a concurrent program

1: Write the script and call it <name>.prog Place the script under the bin directory under your applications top directory. For example, call the script CUSTOM.prog and place it under $CUSTOM_TOP/bin


2: Make a symbolic link from your script to $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr For example, if the script is called CUSTOM.prog use this: ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr CUSTOM This link should be named the same as your script without the .prog extension It should be in the same directory as the script.

3: Register a concurrent program as described above, using an execution method of Host Use the name of your script without the .prog extension as the name of the executable For the example above, you would use CUSTOM CUSTOM

4: Your script will be passed at least 4 parameters, in $1 through $4 These will be: orauser/pwd, userid, username, request_id Any other parameters you define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.

define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.

5: If your script returns a failure exit status but the concurrent manager does not report the error (shows it as still running normal) apply patch 442824

182)How will u register RDF file and run it  Tell the Sequence

Steps a. Save the copy of ur reports in rdf file in ur local directory.

b. Transfer or copy the rdf file to cus_top under reports directory through ftp.

C. Then go concurrent program under executable menu where u define executable file and program name

d. Then go to define the program name (which ur executable file name ) and check the srs box and define the parameter and give the parameter name in token

e. Attach the program(request to ur responsibility )

d run the program and view the out put is srs through ur responsibility

What are different types of value sets 

183)What is translatable Independent & Dependent 

The value set used to support the multilingual value set.

185))How do I submit a concurrent request from PL/SQL

ans : using fnd_request.submit_request .


v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(applicationshortname,




end 54


if v_request_id > 0 then

dbms_output.put_line('Successfully submitted')


dbms_output.put_line('Not Submitted');


note : to submit a conc program from UNIX/shell scrip we use CONSUB

186) How do I cancel a running concurrent request

Navigate to the Concurrent Request Summary form Select a request The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request

187) What is the difference between organization id and org_id 

Organization_id stores inventory organization id ( like 204 for M1)

Org_id stores the OU id corresponding to a operating unit .

188) What is the difference between conversion and interfaces 

conversion means one time activity interface means periodic activity

example:- to transfer the data old version to new version it is called conversionto transfer the data from staging table to interface table it is called interface , it is process on every day or every hour ........

189) What are the different types of value sets and also explain each briefly 

Different types of Value sets are,

1) Independent- This Value set contains list of values which does not depends on any other value

2) Dependant- It contains values which depends on any one of the Independant value

3) Pair- combines 2 flex field together to specify range of valid values

4) Special- Uses only 1 flex field structure to specify values

5) Table- This Value set contains list of values from 1 or more than 1 table columns

6) Translatable Dependant- Same as Dependant value set, only translated values are present

7) Translatable Independant- Same as Independant value set, only translated values are present

190) How do you register a table and columns in Oracle Apps>

To register the table and columns in AOL the navigation is: Open Appliaction Developer---> Appliaction--->Database--->table.(In table mention the table name(which you want to register), user table name,columns,user column name). The table & columns which you are going to register should be present in your module specific schema

195) What can we find TEMPLATE.FMB file 


Template.fmb file can be found in AU_TOP resource directory. This file contains all the Common characterstics all the forms. And also Contains Diffrent libraries. like CUSTOM.pll,APPCORE,APPCOREE2,FNDSQF, JE,JL,JA,VERT,GLOBE etc.. And Template.fmb cotains Diffrent propery classes for all the objects. This Template.fmb can be used for developing the new form 55

196) What are the libraries attached to TEMPLATE form 

The Template form required 19 .pll in 11i version. Those pll names are :

APPCORE.pll APPCORE2.pll FNDSQF.pll APPDAYPK.pll GLOBE.pll JE.pll JL.pll JA.pll VERT.pll GHR.pll PQH_GEN.pll PSAC.pll PSB.pll PSA.pll IGILUTIL.pll

IGILUTIL2.pll CUSTOM.pll GMS.pll FV.pll OPM.pll

197)What is Concurrent Programming

Concurrent Processing in Oracle Apps simultaneously executes programs running in the Background with on line operations to fully utilize your hardware capacity.

Use Concurrent Programming for

Long Running – Data intensive tasks such as Posting a Journal or generating a report.

198)What is the Role of Concurrent Managers

A Concurrent Manager is a component of Concurrent processing that monitors and runs tasks without tying up your computer.

199)What is AOL

Oracle Applications are constructed and maintained using the Application Object Library (AOL).

The Three main areas of AOL are

o Applications Security

o Operating Profile

o Concurrent Processing

1. What is the Flex field  What are the types of Flex field

o Flex Field is “Flexible Field”

o A Flexfield is made up of Segments.

o Each segment has a name that can be assigned and has set of valid values.

o There are two types of Flex field Key Flex Field and Descriptive Flex Fields.


1. What are the tables related to flex field




1. What is AD_DD package

AD_DD Package is used to register the Table, Columns, and Primary Key in Oracle Applications.





















1. What are the Special and Pair Flex Field

Special – Value Sets uses FlexField itself

Pair – Two Flex Fields together specifies a range of valid values.

1. What are the Translatable Dependent and Independent Flex Fields

Translatable Independent – Input must exist on previously defined set List of

Values. Translated value can be used. 57

Translatable Dependent means Input is checked against a subset of values

Based on a prior value. Translated value can be used.


Submits a Concurrent Request for Processing by a Concurrent Manager.

Arguments – Application,program,description,start_time,sub_request,arg1..

1. What is Client Info

By calling this Program in SQL PLUS or reports with correct parameters user can achieve concurrent program environment for testing.

FND_CLIENT_INFO.setup_client_info(application_id Number,

Responsibility_id Number,

User_id Number,

Security_Group_id Number);

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