Oracle Forms Personalization Global Variable | Oracle Tech

By Jag - October 06, 2014
Oracle Forms Personalization Global Variable

1] Go to Form Personalization for that Form (Use: Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Personalize)
2] Create one custom menu (ex. SPECIAL15) on the triggering event: WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE.
3] On the triggering event: SPECIAL15, do the following actions:
  •   Select Type as ‘Property’ and select Object Type as ‘Global Variable’.
  •   Give a name to the global variable in the ‘Target Object’ tab. (Ex. G_ITEM_NAME, G_ORG_CODE)
  •   Select the Property Name as ‘VALUE’.
  •   In the value tab- Give ‘=:Block_name.Field_name’ (Use: Help > Diagnostics > Examine). This is the value which you want to put in the global variable.

4] Select Type as ‘Builtin’ and Select Builtin Type as ‘Launch SRS Form’.

5] Select your Concurrent Program in the ‘Program Name’ tab. Please note that you need to assign the Function – ‘Requests: Submit’ to the Main Menu of the responsibility to which your concurrent program is attached.
Use: System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define to find the Menu Name.
Go to System Administrator > Application > Menu and add the Function – ‘Requests: Submit’ at the end and Save.
Also don’t forget to attach the concurrent program to proper Request Group.

6] Go to the concurrent program parameters. Select the Default Type as SQL Statement in the Validation tab and give the default values as
select :GLOBAL.G_ITEM_NAME from dual
select :GLOBAL.G_ORG_CODE from dual

7] Save and Test the functionality.

An Alternate Way:

Create a PL/SQL function in the database that calls fnd_request.submit_request and commits in an AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION. The function returns a message to the user, with the request_id.

1] Go to Form Personalization for that Form (Use: Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Personalize)

2] Create one custom menu (ex. SPECIAL15) on the triggering event: WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE.

3] On the triggering event: SPECIAL15, do the following actions:
Define a global variable for the message (Ex. XX_CONC_PROG_RESULT)
Assign the above global variable the following value: =SELECT <Your Custom PL/SQL Function> from dual. You can pass parameters to the function as: Block_name.Field_name.
Define a message to show as =:GLOBAL.XX_CONC_PROG_RESULT

how to use global variable in form personalization
query for global variable in form personalization
oracle forms personalization global variable
global variable in form personalization oracle apps
oracle forms personalization guide
how to do form personalization in oracle apps
oracle form personalization user guide
how to use global variable in condition in form personalization,

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