Oracle Single Payment process

By Jag - August 20, 2012
Single Payment
Responsibility: Payables responsibility
Navigation: Payments > Entry > Payments
Payment form
Enter the bank account from which payment will be made.
Important: If a payment or a payment batch is selects a bank account document that is already being used in a payment or payment batch that has not been paid then an error will be raised by Oracle.
Document in use error
The screenshot above shows the error. Until the unconfirmed payment/payment batch is confirmed/cancelled, this bank account document will not be released for use by another payment/payment batch.
Select a bank account for which the document is not being used in an in-process payment
Enter Payee bank details
Enter the supplier name, number and site (If the payment form is opened from the Invoice form by checking “Pay in Full” then the invoice is already selected and this step is not required). The document num is taken from the Document settings.
Enter Supplier details
Click Actions and check Format and Print Remittance advice
Format payment
Payment Process Manager is executed and the corresponding Format program is executed followed by the Print Remittance Advice program
Requests executed for Format payment and Print Remittance Advice
Once the Print Remittance Advice program is executed, the Remittance workflow is fired off. Remittance advice is discussed in detail in another post here.
Remittance email
The email generated from the workflow
Remittance Advice email
Stopping a payment
We can either Stop a payment or Void the payment.
1.       To Initiate a Stop payment
Click Actions for a payment for which Format program has already been executed.
Initiate Stop payment
Check Initiate Stop box and enter the Date on which the payment will be stopped.
2.       To Void a payment
Click Actions for a payment which has been Formatted. Query for the formatted payment in the payment form. Click on Actions
Void payment
Check Void box and enter the Date on which the payment will be void and the GL date for the accounting entries.
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