Lot Transactions-Warehouse Managemen

By Jag - August 14, 2012
Lot and serial attributes track the characteristics of items based on lot or serial numbers.Descriptive flexfields enable you to configure lot and serial attribute flexfields to capture additional information. You can define required or optional attributes, or track information at the item or item category level. Sample lot and serial attribute values include grade, cycles since new, and best buy date.
To setup attributes and attribute value sets, you associate them with a flexfield segment. The difference between lot and serial attributes and common flexfields is, once you define a set of attributes ( a context) you can assign the set to an item or category. When an operator creates a lot or serial, the system prompt the operator for the category attributes. For example, you can set up a value set for the Grade segment. The Grade value set includes three grades: Excellent, Average, and Poor.
Using Lot and Serial Attributes
You can build pick and put away rules based on lot and serial attributes.

Read the basics of LOT @

Oracle Warehouse Management enables you to split, merge, and translate lots. You can split a single lot into multiple lots, and merge multiple lots into a single resulting lot. You can also translate a lot into a new lot.
Note: You can use the Inventory open interface to split, merge, and translate items under both lot and serial control.
Lot Splitting
Lot splitting enables you to split a parent lot into multiple child lots. This is useful when a portion of the lot does not have the same lot attributes or material status as the rest of the lot. After you split the lot, you can change the attributes or status of the resulting lots.
You can also split a lot when a portion of the lot characteristics differs from the rest of the lot. For example, if you store a lot in multiple locations, and damage occurs to one of the lots, then you can split the lot and assign new characteristics to the new lot that contains the damaged quantity.
Lot Merging
Lot merging enables you to merge multiple lots into a single lot instance. For example, you can merge lots if you store them in a single vat or silo.
Lot Translate
Lot Translate enables you to either change the name of an inventory lot to another name, or to convert one product to another product. For example, you can change the lot name, item revision, or subinventory of an existing lot, and move it to another assembly.
Restricting Lot Transactions
You should not perform lot transactions on some items. When you split a lot, the resulting lot inherits the attributes from the parent lot; however, you can update the lot attributes before you save the new lot. When you merge a lot, the resulting lot inherits the attributes of the largest merged lot. If you merge lots with identical quantities, then
the system uses the attributes of the first lot that you enter on the transactions page.
When you translate a lot into the same item, the resulting lot inherits the attributes of the starting lot; however, you can update the lot attributes before you save the new lot. When you translate a lot into a new item, and the lot attribute context of the resulting item is the same as the lot attribute context of the starting item, then the system derives the lot attributes from the starting lot. If the contexts of the lot attributes differ, then the system uses the default attribute values.
Note: A reserved lot cannot be merged or split.
Oracle Warehouse Management has the following levels at which you can restrict lot splitting, merging, and translating:
• Item level control
• Lot level control

Item-Level Lot Restrictions
You must enable the lot attributes Lot Split Enabled, Lot Translate Enabled, and Lot Merge Enabled on the Item Master in Inventory to perform lot transactions on a lot controlled item.
Lot-Level Restrictions
Lot split, lot merge, and lot translate are transaction types. You can disallow lot transactions for material statuses that you create. For example, if you assign a material status that disallows lot split to the lot, locator, or subinventory in which the lot resides, then the system cannot split the lot. Similarly, if the lot, locator, or subinventory in
which the lot resides has a material status that disallows lot merge or lot translate, then the system cannot merge or translate the lot.
Full Versus Partial Lot Split
A full lot split consists of splitting the entire quantity of a starting lot into resulting lots. A partial split consists of splitting only a portion of the starting lot into resulting lots, and leaves remaining quantity in the starting lot.
Child Lot Splitting and Merging
A child is a lot that has a subordinate relationship to another lot, known as the parent lot. When the system splits or merges a lot, it stores the parent-child relationship between the two lots. The parent-child sublot architecture supports an unlimited number of parent-child levels; therefore, you can split a lot numerous times.
When you split a lot with a parent-child relationship you can enter the parent lot as a new value, the parent lot of the parent lot, or the child lot.
LPN Lot Support
Oracle Warehouse Management supports splitting, merging, and translating for both loose and packed material. It can split lots within an LPN, or it can pack the split lots into new LPNs. You can also perform a subinventory transfer when you perform a lot split, merge, or translate.
Manual and Automatic Lot Splits
When the system splits a lot into a small number of resulting lots, you can manually specify the resulting lot numbers and lot quantities. When a lot is split into a large number of resulting lots, you can specify the number of resulting lots or the appropriate quantity of the resulting lot that you want the system to automatically create. For
example, you might specify that a batch of 100 pallets be split into 100 sublots of 1 pallet per sublot. In this case, the system automatically creates a new lot and the resultant lot quantity, and then uses the parent lot attributes as the default attributes for the resulting lot.
Lot-Specific Conversions
You can create lot-specific conversions if you set the parameter Auto Create Lot UOM Conversion to Yes on the Organization Parameters window. See Defining Revision, Lot, Serial, LPN Parameters, Oracle Inventory User's Guide for more information. This parameter determines whether the system creates lot-specific conversion based on the resulting lot quantities. The conversion is not inherited from the source lot. The system creates conversions only if the item is under dual UOM control, and the UOMs are in different classes. If you set the parameter to user confirmation, then the system prompts you to create the lot conversion. If you select <Save Conv>, you can save the newly created conversion.
Note: You cannot automatically create lot UOM conversions for lots that are created in Oracle Work in Process.
Merging Indivisible Lots
You can merge part of an indivisible lot. This is essentially a miscellaneous issue from one lot and a miscellaneous receipt into another lot. An exception occurs if a reservation exists against the resulting lot. You cannot merge into a lot that has an existing reservation
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