How to Using Forms Based Applications | Oracle General Ledger

By Jag - October 27, 2014

Learn how to Using Forms Based Applications  Oracle General Ledger Step by Step Guide foe You


Using Forms Based Applications
From the Navigator you can:
Open forms from the Functions tab.

Link to documents from the Documents tab.
Launch business processes from the Processes tab.

Open Forms
The Functions tab provides links to the forms accessible to your current responsibility.To open a form, expand the function heading and double-click the form name.

Create a Top Ten List
Add forms that you use frequently to your Top Ten List. Create a different top ten list for each of your responsibilities.

To add a form to the Top Ten List
Select the form, and then select the Add to List button.

To remove a form from the Top Ten List
Select the form, and then select the Remove from List button.

Create Links to Documents
Create links to documents that you are working on for faster access. The Documents tab allows you to save as many links as you want. View the saved links as a list or as icons.
To add a document that is currently open
Choose Place on Navigator from the File menu

Attention: The Place on Navigator command is not enabled for all forms.
To rename a link that you have created
1. Select its name (or icon) and select the Rename button.
2. Enter the new name in the Rename Label window and click OK.

To remove a document from the Documents tab
Select its name (or icon) and select the Remove button.

Launch Business Processes
The Processes tab contains interactive step-by-step maps of business processes. Each step is a form or report that you can launch directly from the process map.
Each time you launch a business process; you create an instance of that process and assign it a name. As you complete each step in a process, the map is updated accordingly
To open a process
1. Select the process, and then select the Launch button.
2. Enter a name for the new instance.

The instance remains active until you complete or cancel it. The Processes tab lists your active instances.
Working in a Process Instance
The active step has a box drawn around it. More than one step can be active if your process contains multiple paths.
Click once on a step icon to display a description of the step.
Double-click on a step icon to open the related form.
Advance to the next step of a process from within a form by using the Next Step toolbar icon.

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