Workflow Notifications to Users Roles | Oracle Apps

By Jag - September 27, 2012
Workflow Notifications are sent to the Users/Roles for which setup has been done through Oracle Apps.

Its possible to create Users/Roles using workflow API and all this information is stored in below Oracle

Database tables


stores the Oracle application user data that is setup through System administrator>User. It links

employee id to the User id, along with email id


stores User data along with email id to which Notification is to be sent. When A new user is

defined in oracle apps along with fnd_user table a new record is inserted into this table.


store roles information


Associations of users with the roles

To sent a notification to a particular User following steps need to be performed

1. Add a Notification node to the workflow process

2. Create a attribute of type ROLE in workflow and at the node just before sending the notification

   setup the value of attribute using below api


                (itemtype        => x_item_type

                ,itemkey        => x_item_key

                ,aname            => 'MAIN_USER'

            ,avalue            => x_user);

   Here x_user is user_name/name fetched from fnd_users/wf_users table for that person

3. Open the Notification node in the process and on 'Node' tab select the Performer as the

   Type "Item Attribute" and value as attribute.


Whenever the workflow process is initiated and notification is sent, the table WF_NOTIFICATIONS

is populated with RECIPIENT_ROLE as X_USER

Notification to multiple Users:

In workflow if you need to send a Notification at once to different Users, you need

to create a role using below API.

-- Create adhoc role


    (role_name             => x_role_name

    ,role_display_name        => x_role_name

    ,LANGUAGE                       => NULL

    ,territory                      => NULL

    ,role_description               => 'MAIN_ROLE'

    ,notification_preference    => 'MAILHTML'

    ,role_users                    => NULL

    ,email_address                    => NULL

    ,fax                        => NULL

    ,status                => 'ACTIVE'

    ,expiration_date        => SYSDATE+ 60

    ,parent_orig_system         => 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES'

    ,parent_orig_system_id        => 0

    ,owner_tag            => NULL);

Once role is created now add Users to Role using below API. In below API the parameter

role_users is passed with list of USER_NAME separated by space.

--Add Users to Role


    (role_name     =>x_role_name,

     role_users     =>'Username1 Username2 Username3');

To verify the details please check with below queries

--Check the Role name

select * from wf_roles where name like x_role_name;

--Check the User associated with the Role

select * from wf_user_roles where role_name like x_role_name;
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