Revision / Lot / Locator / Serial Control FAQS

By Jag - July 12, 2014

What are the possible values for current_status for the serial numbers in the mtl_serial_numbers table?

1 - Defined but not used
3 - Resides in stores
4 - Issued out of stores
5 - Resides in intransit
6 - Pending status 

What does it mean when you have a serial number in the mtl_serial_numbers table with current_status = 6?

If the status is '6' there are pending transactions for this serial number in mtl_material_transactions_temp table. Or your system terminated abruptly and assignment never was completed.

What is the precedence of Locator Control?

Locator control at the organization level overrides locator control at the subinventory level, and locator control at the subinventory level overrides locator control at the item level.

How do restrict subinventories and locators for items for transaction purposes?

You need to default the Subinventory and Locator both.

To assign items to subinventories and locators:

1. Navigate to Inventory Setup -> Organization -> Subinventory
2. Query on the subinventory you want to assign an item to.
3. Choose the Item/Subinventory button. The Item Subinventories window appears.
4. Enter an item to assign to the subinventory.

Note: You restrict an item to the subinventory you assign here by setting the Restrict Subinventories attribute when you define the item.

5. Enter locator to assign to the item in the subinventory.

You restrict an item to the list of locators you define here by setting Restrict Locators attribute when you define the item. This will allow the locator assigned to the item to be the default locator when you perform a miscellaneous receipt, for example. If you assign more than one locator to an item, a list of values of the locators will appear for you to choose from.

How do I load item revision history?

If you are loading only one revision per item you do not need to populate the table mtl_item_revisions_interface. All you have to do is put the revision in the column revision of the table mtl_system_items_interface.

If you are loading more than one revision per item then you need to do the following:

1. You must use the item_number column in the mtl_system_items_interface table. The value of the item_number must equal the concatenated segments(n) of the item being imported plus the segment separator.

2. Do not populate the revision column in the table mtl_system_items_interface.

3. Populate these rows in the mtl_item_revisions_interface table:
process_flag = 1
transaction_type = ‘CREATE’
set_process_id = 1
organization_id = master org
item_number = (Must match the item_number in the
mtl_system_items_interface table)

4. Each row in the mtl_item_revisions_interface table must have the revision and effectivity_date in alphabetical (ASCII sort order) and chronological order. The revision format must match the
starting revision in the Organization parameters. In other words if the starting revision is 00A then the revision columns in mtl_item_revisions_interface must match this format (00A, 00B, etc.).

What is necessary to change the locator control options?

To change the locator control options you must make sure that there are no quantities on hand at whatever level you are trying to change the control. (i.e. if you are trying to change the locator control option at the subinventory level, then that subinventory must not have any quantity onhand for any item.)

How do you setup transaction default subinventories and locators for items for transaction purposes?

You need to default the Subinventory and Locator for both.

To assign items to subinventories and locators:

1. Navigate to Inventory Setup -> Transactions -> Item Transaction Defaults
2. Enter item you want to set a subinventory.
3. Choose the Default type: Receiving or Shipping.
4. Enter the subinventory.
5. Change region to Locator.
6. Follow steps 1 through 4 and then enter the locator
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