Oracle PLSQL interview questions - 3

By Jag - August 18, 2013

  • From an Employee table, how will you display the record which has a maximum salary?
  • What is the difference between the Primary and Foreign key?
  • How will you delete a particular row from a Table?
  • How will you select unique values from a list of records?
  • What is meant by Join? What are the different types of Joins available? Explain.
  • overloading of stored procedure is possible in oracle?
  • how to create table with in the procedure or function?
  • what is overloading procedure or overloading function ?
  • what is HASH join?
  • what is SCALAR Queries?
  • what is the use of HASH, LIST partitions?
  • <<labele>> declare a=10 b=20, begin some statements declare a=30 c=40 end; what is the A value in nested block?
  • cursor types? explain with example programs?
  • what is difference b/w pravite procedures and public procedures?
  • How to export the table data (this table having 18 million records) to .csv file. Please tell me is there any faster way to export the data.
  • How to get employee name from employee table which is the fiveth highest salary of the table
  • need to split a string into seperate values. eg. col1 col2 ---------- 100 - 'a,b,c' 200 - 'a,x,b,d,e' 300 - 'c' result: value count ------------- a - 2 b - 1 c - 2 etc.
  • How many levels can subqueries be nested in a FROM clause?
  • what is meant by databases
  • what is the correct way of selection statement a. select/from/table_name/orderby/groupby/having b. select/from/table_name/groupby/having/orderby
  • Can we have exception part in trigger ?
  • using comand prompt how can import table data and table space with example
  • how can create data base link for tow servers (scott schema) give examples plz
  • if a table is getting updated what happens if a function is called from sql query?
  • There is a sequence with min value 100. I want to alter this sequence to min value as 101. If the table has already data in the sequence column as 100,101,102... Is it possible to do so ?
  • Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)
  • what is the difference between cursor FETCH and FOR LOOP ?
  • what will be the output: select 1 from emp union all select 2 from emp;
  • Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_date)
  • i have a table eno dno sal 1 10 200 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75 5 20 100 i want to get sal which is less than the avg sal of thri dept. eno dno sal 2 10 150 3 10 100 4 20 75
  • write a query to find out the no. of employees whose age is less than 25 and max of salary for the employees belonging to a particular department is less than 20000
  • What is mutating trigger?How to avoid it??
  • can we delete the trigger in a view? if yes why if not why?
  • what is the difference between implicit and explicit trigger
  • how to sort records in sql?
  • can we call a procedure from a function?
  • Talk about views
  • Difference between DBMS and RDBMS...CODD's rules
  • Initially question was asked to mention the types of indexes. Then asked about BITMAP INDEX and B-Tree Index
  • Difference between IN and EXISTS
  •  What is Primary Key?
  • how u can find the n row from a table?
  • What is normalization?
  • how can we replace the particular column value of a resulted set of executed query? I mean write down a sql query to chane the particular column's value of a resulted set of executed query
  • Table Student has 3 columns,Student_id,Student_Name & Course_Id. Table Course has 2 columns, Course_Id & Course_Name.Write a query to listdown all the Courses and number of student in each course.
  • Table Order_Name has a column Order_Date which gives the date & Time at which the order is passed.Find the table to write a query to find out the latest order.
  • please explain database architecture..
  • what is single byte over head in oracle..?
  • What are wait events. Describe the wait event tables.
  • I have done oracle 10g. I need a project knowledge. So if u please send a project how it should be done,Or you can send email link. I will be very grateful to u.
  • I have a Employee table with columns ename,eid,salary,deptno. How to retrieve sum of salary for each deptno?
  • why sql is used as interpreter frequently rather than a compile?
  • Describe the Index, Types of index, At what situation we have used? Which one s better than others?
  • how many tupples can insert in 1 second in sql
  • What is the default value of CHAR type?
  • I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of tables presented each database?( in oracle 10g)
  • suppose we have a table in which 200 rows. i want to find 101 row ? what the query.... and how we find 4th and 5th highest salary and 1 to 10 highest salary
  • What does “select count(1) from tab” result?
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