Oracle Internet Expenses/iExpense setup

By Jag - August 18, 2012
Oracle Internet expenses is an iModule of Oracle. This module is used to allow employees of an organization to enter their expenses which are to be claimed from the organization. The iExpense module is very closely linked to Payables module, in fact you can think of this module as a sub module to Payables. A good part of setup is done in AP module itself. If this module is not implemented in Oracle then expense reports can be directly created in AP. This module gives the flexibility of giving all employees to enter their own reports instead of a central desk creating expense report invoices for all employees. The module is in Self Service and hence the pages are in OA Framework, i.e. JSP pages that are light weight and can be easily accessed on a lower bandwidth internet connection.
 The flow within iExpense module is the following,
  1. Employee enters expenses and creates an expense report.
  2. Employee submits expense report.
  3. Expenses workflow is kicked off.
  4. A notification goes to the approver based on the cost center entered by the user and the employee’s supervisor hierarchy
  5. On approval the workflow sends a notification to the iExpense auditor
  6. Auditor completes audit.
  7. The workflow sends a notification to the Payables administrator
  8. On approval from Payables administrator the workflow ends and the employee is notified that his expense report is ready to be paid.
At this stage the role of iExpense is over and Payables module takes over. The expense report is imported into Payables to create AP Invoices to be paid off to the employee. The seeded import program, “Import Expense Reports” is used to import expense report and create the invoices.
The setup steps for iExpense is given below
Tax Code setup
Responsibility: Payables Administrator
Navigation: Setup > Tax > Codes
Tax codes
Expense Report Template setup
Navigation: Setup > Invoice > Expense Report Templates
Template setup
Create the various templates here. The expense items for each template will correspond to which heads the user can use when they select the template.
Scroll right
Template setup
Select the GL account that should correspond to the expense item. This will default on the expense allocation page in the expense report
Scroll right to the end
Template setup
Select the Policy applicable to the expense report.
Select Define itemizations button
This form shows which items should be itemized. Now we’ll setup the default template for this operating unit.
Setup Pay Group
Navigation: Setup > Lookups >Purchasing
Query for Lookup Type, PAY GROUP.
Pay Group
Create the pay group which will be assigned to the AP invoices imported from iExpense into AP. We have created PAY_ALONE_INT.
Payables Options
Navigate to Setup > Options > Payables
Select Tax Defaults and Rules tab
Tax defaults and rules
Click on Currency tab
If Use Multiple Currencies is checked then the expense reports as well as the AP invoices, can be entered in all the currencies other than the default currency of this set of books.
Select Expense Report tab
Expense Report
The default template is set here, as well as Payment Terms and other parameters. Note that we have attached the Pay Group, we had created for Expense Reports, in this form.

Financials Options
Navigation: Setup > Options > Financials
Select Accounting tab
Expense Clearing Account will be the default liability account for iExpense expense reports imported in to Payables.
Click on Human Resources tab
Human Resources
Set the Expense Reimbursement Address to the supplier site. Check “Use Approval Hierarchies” box so that workflow uses the employee hierarchy if you do not want to use AME.

Credit Card setup
To setup credit card expense report usage navigate to Setup > Credit Cards > Card Programs
Credit card setup for employees
Enter the details of the corporate credit card program, like the credit card issuing organization, the currency, expense clearing account, etc.
Enter the individual cards attached to each employees here,
Navigate to Credit Cards > Credit Cards
Employee credit card
Now employees will be setup to enter credit card expenses that will actually come from the credit card issuing organization.

Signing Limit setup
Create the signing limits for managers who would be approving the expense reports
Navigation: Employees > Signing Limits
Signing limit setup
Enter the signing limits for all the employees who are designated approvers for Oracle Internet expense reports.

Employees as Supplier setup
Navigation: Suppliers > Entry
Create the supplier entries associated with the employee so that the employee can be reimbursed for the expenses incurred by him. Also the employee salaries can be paid to him once he is set up as a supplier.
Employee as Supplier
Note that the Type of supplier is Employee and the employee Number is entered in Classification tab. Click on Sites.
Supplier site
The supplier site for the employee is displayed. Note that the Site Name is OFFICE as it is set in the Human Resources tab in Financial Options setup (shown above).
Internet Expenses Setup
Responsibility: Internet Expenses Administrator
Navigation: Internet Expenses Setup
Accounting setup
Click on Accounting tab
Accounting setup
Click on Define button for any Chart of Accounts
Chart of Account
We can define which accounting segment is updatable by the user.
Context or Operating Units setup
Click on Contexts tab
Context setup
Select the operating units which will be enabled for Oracle Internet expense
Policy setup
Click on Policy tab
Set the various policies as per business requirement.
We have set policy only for meals. Click on Meals
Meal policy setup
Click on Update General button for a selected policy
Policy details
Click Next
Meal policy
Select and add the location you want to add in the policy. Click Next
Meal policy location selection
Create period and press Activate button.
Click on Exchange Rates tab on the Policy submenu.
Exchange rates setup
The operating unit is defaulted here. We can set the tolerance for exchange rates of different currencies. Click on Individual Currency Tolerances.
The currencies are displayed for selection
Currency tolerance
Scroll down to the bottom of this form
Define tolerance for selected currency
We have defined a default tolerance of 10% for all currencies
We can have a different tolerance for 1 single currency. Select a currency and click on Add to Selections button.
Define tolerance for single currency
We have added a special 20% tolerance for EGP currency
Define Tax rules
Click on the Tax tab
Define tax rules
Click on Define button
Tax rules
We can define taxes for merchants in different locations.
Audit Rules
Click on Audit tab
Audit rules
Click on Update icon
Audit rules
Scroll down on the form
More audit rules
As you can see above, different operating units can have different audit rules.
Credit Card setup
Click on Credit Cards tab on the top menu
Credit Card
Set the limit on the maximum number of days the credit card transactions will be allowed to wait before submitting those expenses by the user.
Requests setup
Click on Requests tab
Scheduling Upload requests
The rates can be uploaded from this screen for a schedule, i.e. between any two dates.

Create responsibilities
We need to create iExpense responsibilities to be given to the users so that they can enter the expenses.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security > Responsibility > Define
Create responsibility
The responsibility should be enabled for Self Service applications and the menu should be IEXP_ENDUSER. In the example shown above we are using a customized IEXP_ENDUSER menu.
Set the profile options
We need to set the profile options for this responsibility.
Navigation: Profile > System
Query for profile option, MO: Operating Unit.
Profile options
We have to set another profile option, GL: Set of Books Name, for this responsibility. A list of iExpense profile options are given below which need to be set as per business requirements.
iExpense Profile options
OIE:Allow Credit Lines
OIE:Allow Non-Base Pay
OIE:Approver Required
OIE:CC Approver Req
OIE:CC Payment Notify
OIE:Carry Advances Forward
OIE:Enable Advances Payables
OIE:Enable Approver
OIE:Enable Bar Code
OIE:Enable Cost Center
OIE:Enable Credit Card
OIE:Enable DescFlex Lines Only
OIE:Enable Expense Allocation Splitting
OIE:Enable Expense Allocations
OIE:Enable Policy
OIE:Enable Project Allocations
OIE:Enable Project Expenditure Organization
OIE:Enable Tax
OIE:Grace Period
OIE:Purpose Required
OIE:Report Number Prefix
At this point iExpenses is ready to be used by the organization. We now need to provide the responsibility to the users.

User setup
The Securring Attribute, ICX_HR_PERSON_ID, has to be set to the person id of the user, who is an employee, to the person_id as set in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table.
Securring attribute for user
Note: If the securring attribute is set on an Apps user to which no employee is connected, then this user will be able to enter expense reports for the employee whose person id is attached to this user in the securring attribute.
Now the user is ready to enter expense reports. Similarly we have to set up other users so that they can access iExpense responsibility to enter expense reports.
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