Enable PO buyers to view PO workflow status

By Jag - August 24, 2012
As a buyer the Oracle user is allowed to raise Purchase Orders (PO) and send those for approval. When the PO goes for approval he does not know how the PO has gone as per the hierarchy or if the PO workflow has met with an error. The usual course of action would be to contact the administrator or an Oracle support personnel to give the buyer an insight on the status of the workflow. This would be time consuming for the buyer and also it will add extra work for the support personnel or the administrator.
We can allow the buyer to check the workflow state of the PO that he raises. This is done by adding a seeded submenu named, Workflow Guest Monitor Application, to the buyer responsibility

Login to Oracle as a regular buyer. For our example we have taken a responsibility, EY buyer – Technical.
Find a Purchase Order from the Purchase Order Summary form.
Navigation: Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Summary
Query for a Purchase order.
Now click on Inquire > View Approval through Workflow
You will get a message as shown below.
This is because the menu for this responsibility does not have the Form function to display the PO workflow. We shall enable the menu now.

Go to System Administrator responsibility
Navigation: Security > Responsibility > Define
Query for EY Buyer – Technical responsibility.
Note the menu name. It is Purchasing Buyer GUI.
Navigate to Application > Menu
Let us first check for the seeded submenu that has to be added to the Purchasing menu.
Query for User Menu Name, Workflow Guest Monitor Application.
This menu will be attached to the menu of the PO responsibility to allow it to view PO approval workflow.
Now query for Purchasing Buyer GUI. This is the menu for the responsibility EY Buyer – Technical, we saw earlier.
Add the seeded submenu, Workflow Guest Monitor Application, to the menu
The function is added to this menu. Save the change and you will get a message that the menu is being recompiled.
No prompt is given to the function as we do not want the function to be visible on the Navigator menu. We only want the function to be called from the Inquire sub menu when the PO is/are queried in the PO summary form.

Test the change
Login to the EY Buyer – Technical responsibility and query for the PO in PO Summary form.
Now click on inquire > View Approval through workflow
The workflow monitor OAF form opens with the PO approval workflow that has been executed for this PO.
Now this responsibility will allow users to see the state of the PO approval workflow.
You might also notice that the user has access to redirect, cancel, suspend the workflow. If you do not want the user to have access to these functionalities you might want to consider personalizing the OAF page. You can check out this article on how to disable a property of a field in an OAF page .

Oracle has mentioned in Metalink, Note ID 219386.1, that a Form function, FND_FNDWFIAS has to be added to the menu for this functionality to work.
The form function is displayed below.
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